I've spent a lot of time on various internet forums throughout the years, and as I grew accustomed to the various communities and started developing friendships with other posters, I opened up and shared things about my life with them, and became friends with them. I haven't been able to do this for well over a year now, though. Edward Snowden broke down a wall of information, and that information led me to conclude that I should build up a wall, and never let it faulter.
I see lots of threads like this on the internet, and I see lots of people talking about where they go to school, what state they live in, all sorts of personal information. It sucks that I really can't get to know other people in this way and become part of communities and develop friendships. I think friendships on the internet are just something that should be avoided. Especially if you're interested in things like hacking, or drugs, or even if you're just politically dissenting. It sucks that the world is this way, but them's the breaks I guess.
I would just like to say generally though that I am academically studying information security, and I came across this site and saw that some very smart people posted here, and it looked like a very good source of information.
I'm not leet, but I strive to be. I do think I know enough about the human element though to be able to offer some advice. A slogan taken from The X Files.
Trust no one.