BBQ cups is something I cook that a lot of people haven't tried and love when they taste them.
Store List:
1lb ground beef
1 bottle of your favourite bbq sauce
1 roll of biscuits, the ones in the can. Make sure they are the buttered kind, they taste better, ALSO NOT the flaky layered shit, regular canned biscuits.
1 bag of cheese of your choosing, I use Colby Jack.
Fry up the beef, drain once done. Add BBQ sauce, more the better so it isn't dry. Use judgment on this cause I don't know the scales you all use. Just make sure the beef is coated, heavily coated.
In a cupcake pan, spray with non-stick spray pending on the biscuits you use. Form a cup from the biscuits and place into pan.
Add a spoon full of the beef bbq you made. Add the beef bbq till it's gone adding and subtracting where needed.
Top bbq beef you put in cups with the shredded cheese, and cook in oven till either the time on the biscuit can, or till you think it's done. Time's will vary, just keep an eye on it.
Let cool and enjoy. Goes great with mac-n-cheese, potatoes, cucumber salad, [insert summer foods here].
Good for kids as well, personal bbq cupcakes no mess moms!