Gather round's story time. On a far away island in Japan called Okitraz there used to be an ISP that we will call "SHIT corp." Well, SHIT corp. used to enjoy making its customers pay $70 a month for 3mbps SLA; however, they only provided 300kbps max, because...well...they are a shitty corporation. As time went on, m0rph started investigating and found out that the private SNMP community strings for all 30k+ modems for all of SHIT corp's users was "public" m0rph did some more investigating, and the configuration on all of the end users' modems were configured for....that's right, 300kbps. The terrible thing about SHIT corp was that they were sitting 10 years in on a 15-year contract, so they pretty much had a monopoly, and the only other service available was wimax if you were lucky enough to get a signal.
After some more snooping around, m0rph discovered that all 30k+ modems connected back to a single DSLAM. What was m0rph to do? SHIT corp's technicians were of no help, their customer service was terrible, and the fat white bitch at the front desk was the biggest cunt you could ever imagine meeting. I mean the stereotypical, twinkie devouring, bad attitude, fucking CUNT. m0rph decided that the only thing to do was to write a script that would overwrite this single line of code in all of the 30k+ modems and the DSLAM to 47.736mbps via SNMP writes.
The initial reaction was fantastic. The people could play online games, youtube could be streamed in HD (as well as porn), everyone could call back to America and talk with their families again. It was the golden age of internet on Okitraz. Unfortunately, SHIT corp failed to tell the people that SHIT corp didn't actually own the network they were providing services on, and didn't have the funds to pay for 30k+ T-3's to the actual company that owned the network...NTT. Thus, their government contract was terminated, the company went bankrupt and all of the employees lost their jobs, and a bigger corporation took over and provided fiber to all of the people, and negotiated a cheaper contract with NTT...and the people lived happily ever after. Most importantly though, m0rph did all of this community service charity from the local coffee shop and got away. Rumor has it he escaped Okitraz and made his way north.
Moral of the story...if you're gonna break the law, do it for the good of the people and I'll tell you why. God didn't make m0rph, even m0rph's parent's genitalia didn't make m0rph...THE PEOPLE. MADE. M0RPH.