Okay i know python was not designed with obfuscation in mind but it doesn't hurt to try.
i found really neat obfuscated python codes online like this two below:
[#[#[#[#[#[#[#[#[# By TaroOgawa #]#]#]#]#]#]#]#]#]
.update({ "______":
lambda x: globals()
.update(( dict([[x]
*2])))}), ______(((
,______(( "another"
)),______ ("Python"
),______( "Hacker")
];print ( " ".join(
[(Just),( (another)
),(Python ),Hacker]
print ''.join('%(pre)s%(num)s %(bot)s on the wall, %(nul)s %(bot)s,\n%(tak)s\n' % (lambda c,b:
{'pre':['','%s %s on the wall.\n\n' % (c,b)][abs(cmp(c,'Ninety-nine'))],
'num':c, 'nul':c.lower(), 'bot':b,
'tak':['Go to the store and buy some more... Ninety-nine %s.' % b,'Take one down, pass it around,'][abs(cmp(x,0))]
})((lambda x,o: [(['Twenty','Thirty','Forty','Fifty',
'Sixty','Seventy','Eighty','Ninety'][x/10-2]+'-'+o.lower()).replace('-no more',''), o][int(x<20)])(x, ['No more','One','Two',
'Fifteen','Sixteen','Seventeen','Eighteen','Nineteen'][[x,x%10][int(x>=20)]]),'bottle%s of beer' % ['','s'][abs(cmp(x,1))])
for x in xrange(99,-1,-1))
So i thought of try to get a reverse shell using python eval() function and base64 module for encrypting and decrypting.....so first test,print directory contents:
#test script to print current directory contents
eval('''cmd="ls -l"; p=__import__("subprocess",globals(),locals(),['*'],-1);proc = p.Popen(cmd, shell=True, tdout=p.PIPE,stderr=p.PIPE, stdin=p.PIPE);out,err=proc.communicate(); out+err'''
using base64
i only get the output as the base64 decoded string nothing is executed by eval.
So my question is how can i get to execute python code using eval while its still encoded say base64 encoded.....an example is how php shells are encoded.
with os .system this worked well
#python shell with system() call function
eval("__import__('os').system('/bin/sh -i')")
eval("__import__('subprocess').call('/bin/sh -i')")
#python reverse shell
eval("p=__import__('subprocess',globals(),locals(),['*']),-1);p.call('/bin/sh -i');")
This is where things don't work out,once i have included the base64 eval just prints the decoded string.
base64 encoded to get shell running
#encode python code
basically the code is not giving me results i wanted.....a shell with obfuscated code .help if you can......