Would be good to get as much information as you can out to members that you value about the integrity of EvilZone. I'm sure anybody who invests as much time as you guys do in EZ would be comforted to know just how secure their playground, community and most importantly their information is.
I'm not saying that you should release all information about the security of EZ but "laying down the law" may be a good starting point.
I've only just joined and hate to impose so if I'm out of line, don't hesitate to tell me but I think this is a good opportunity to make an example of an apparently very childish individual because frankly, reading this thread as well as staff responses is encouraging
me to have a poke around (I won't). Especially when the perpetrator is still online, able to access EvilZone and argue his case in front of any member that wishes to take an interest. It's your project. Your members should trust you but also understand that your word is final.
Under these circumstances it is perfectly reasonable to assume that you aren't punishing because of fear - you are scared to take action because of what you think he may do in retaliation. This is not the way I feel about the situation, I'm merely attempting to put things into perspective. I understand that there are clearly more in depth contributing factors that you're not ready to release to the populous of EZ, but as much information as possible will put minds at ease. Mine at least.
That's my input, based on the little information I have.
Its an Attack! No wait, its only a service disruption. No harm, no foul.
Denying service is an attack. Of course there is harm present. Evidently, however - there seems to be no foul.