any of you use any of these distributions, and if so has it hindered any of your productivity, or added to it ?
I'm still fairly new to *nix, so have settled with ubuntu currently, due to it's simplicity and easy transition to linux, but the more I read Stallman's lectures, and educate myself with FSF, and GNU, I don't like some of the 'proprietary' measures embedded in distro's like Ubuntu, with Kanonical, etc.
I ran a quick live cd of trisquel, and I like the look and feel of it. But going forward, I don't think they have taken hold of alot of the proprietary wireless chipset's yet, so it has hindered my decision of running GNU full time.
Back in the early 00's, when slack was pretty much the hacker's choice, I ran it for awhile and got some great experience using it as a web server. But now I read by GNU,
"Slackware has the two usual problems: there's no clear policy about what software can be included, and nonfree blobs are included in Linux, the kernel. It also ships with the nonfree image-viewing program xv. Of course, with no firm policy against them, more nonfree programs could get in at any time. There is an unofficial list of nonfree software in Slackware."