Well, like madf0x has been saying, we never think to look at what the people who were put into office what they do to keep that freedom intact.
I'm not saying its right, by ANY means, they probably do the same things we do as hackers, they research, and most likely bribe. Companies sell our information to the highest bidder, that's common knowledge, and think about who has all the money? The Government.
I approve of what Snowden did, yeah, it sucks that it had to be found out that way, and what they did to him, but he saw something wasn't right, and made a stand. I can applaud anyone for doing that.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this, hacking in any form, can be wrong, and can be right, it all depends on what side of the spectrum you are on. You make the choice to do something, then You can accept the consequences, and that's what's happening to the NSA now. They're cover has been blown and are facing the consequences.