* Created by quantumveil on 2/10/15.
var $convoid=$(this).attr('id');
$.get('inbox.php',{convoid:$convoid},function(data){$('#convoarea').html(data);//the callback sets whati t had to
//now add the on click handler to send button
var $msgbody=$('#sendbody').val();
///now what i have to do is sent this $msgbody to the inbox.php thru get k
});//the callback function will append it to other messages :3
return false;
}//callback ends hre
return false;
Hi. I'm trying to code a social networking site and I want the inbox to be responsive and dynamic. I've recently started learning Jquery for the purpose being. I've googled this before and found no help and so it brings me here on this community. The above Javascript/Jquery code is supposed to pass some post parameters when the SEND button is clicked. Another file, inbox.php, is to receive those and work appropriately. Now here's what bugs me. The callback function to $.post() is executed, so I'm assuming the parameters are being passed to inbox.php. But when I try accessing them in inbox.php using following line
I only receive a value of 1 and not the message's actual body. Here's how the function get_post is defined
function get_post($var1){
return filter($var);}
else return 0;
I've tried accessing them directly through $_POST['sendbody'] but an error of undefined index is being generated. Any help will be highly appreciated. (PS the other call to .get() in the beginning of this js file is passing the parameters so there's nothing wrong with file paths)