@rogue.hackz & ArkPhase - I've been programming for 20 years, I started on the C88, with vi, on a console based bare bones 0.3 Red Hat. I was taught embedded systems design by a 30+ year senior embedded programmer for NASA. I see absolutely no point in using any of the flashy bullshit most n00bs use these days. The truth is, N00Bs have to use those plugins, and all those "extras", cause they are too busy being too new, to keep track of simple bullshit... If you are incapable of keeping track of your program's execution without needing "documentation", you're a n00b, if you can not deduce your mistakes without needing some "auto error finder", you're a n00b. More importantly, if you can not code in a manner, that is self-secured, and hard to exploit; you are a n00b. Period. So, in other words, you are kids... I am a kid.
I have no idea who 'ArkPhase' is but the way you type makes me think you're 13 in all honesty. Btw, unless everything is always standardized, optimized code is usually fairly cryptic under most circumstances so if you want to waste time having to re-analyze your code every time you need to go back to it? Whatever the reason is that you need to review old code, good luck remembering what that code was meant to do as well. I've had scenarios where it's been about a year since I had last seen parts of my code in some projects, and it all seemed like a blur in terms of me even writing the code. The other benefit of documentation for code is noticeable when you work in a team environment -- other people have to be able to read and understand your code as well; save them the time and effort of wasting any more time than necessary having to read through your actual code to interpret it.
Nobody said noobs have to use anything, noobs generally won't start out with git or use memory profilers on day 1 anyways so your logic is flawed. What most people here are talking about is productivity and accessories that help with debugging code -- if it didn't matter, tools like valgrind, cachegrind, and many others would not exist because those developers wouldn't have had the motivation to even dream about creating a program like it. You can keep your delusional opinions to yourself from now on as you clearly have zero experience in the real world, or hardly any of it. You cannot fool us...
And I know Xires is a member here that I can respect without even bothering to know about any of his credentials, along with a few others. Why? Because they don't feel the need to boast about their credentials; any good programmer doesn't have to tell other programmers about what they have done or what they can do -- it shows in the remarks they make and the code they write. I have yet to see the same from you, and until that point in time I will respectfully dismiss those credentials and cherry pick the relevant parts of your post describing your ideas which are really just your own opinions, of which they shall remain.