Actually I would have suggested to deal with the Windows Defender problem, but by now I think you benefit more by trying to understand that code first.
How much do you know about programming, though?
does anyone have any reformatting suggestions?
I think it may have something to do with Quvyt10="AAKTrgfLVgU.exe". The only way I know that though is when visual basic tells me that when I hover over the variable with my cursor. Nowhere in the code is Quvty10 used again except for "Sub Quvyt13(Quvyt10 As String)" which makes me wonder if Quvyt10 has even been correctly defined. Quvyt1 actually has been defined as this but not Quvyt10... I think something is getting confused there.
The formatting is the first thing you should do. That you feel the need to get suggestions for formatting tells me that you don't understand the basic structure of this code.
So far you have problems with seeing where subprocedures start and end, otherwise you would not stumble over the definition of Quvyt10.
You also confuse the terms definition and initialization. Please get these terms straight or it will be very hard to communicate.
Where you say "Quvyt1 actually has been defined as this" you meant initialized with the value "AAKTrgfLVgU.exe".
Look up the basic structures of VB first: initialization, definition, procedures, procedure calls, if-else statements and loops. Do that so that you are able to identify them if you see them. A beginners tutorials should be enough.
Then you create the formatting yourself, based on what you know how these structures look like, because good formatting is nothing more than visually separating statements and structures from each other.
After you have done that, you can see if your understanding of the code got any better and try to modify it again.
Or post here if there are still questions.