You probably noticed the changes - as part of the forum revival project, it was decided to change the forum structure a bit in a way to reduce them by merging, removing and renaming some to define more accurately what is being discussed there.
So current forum structure is like this (feel free to suggest changes):
News and Announcements (visible to guests)
General discussion (visible to guests)
Members introduction (not visible to guests)
Feedback (not visible to guests)
Hacking and Security (visible to guests)
Evilzone CTF (visible to CTF group members)
Tutorials (visible to guests)
Video Tutorials (visible to guests)
Social-Engineering (visible to guests)
Software and Tools (not visible to guests)
Beginner's Corner (visible to guests)
Software Exploitation and Vulnerabilities (not visible to guests)
Anonymity and Privacy (visible to guests)
Reverse Engineering (visible to guests)
Mobile hacking (visible to guests)
Android (visible to guests)
iOS (visible to guests)
Other (visible to guests)
Game Hacking & Modding & Discussing (visible to guests)
Projects and Discussion (visible to guests)
Challenges (not visible to guests)
Evilzone Releases (not visible to guests)
EZBot (not visible to guests)
Beginner's Corner (visible to guests)
C - C++ (visible to guests)
Assembly - Embedded (visible to guests)
.NET Framework (visible to guests)
Java (visible to guests)
Web Oriented Coding (visible to guests)
Scripting Languages (visible to guests)
Other (visible to guests)
Snippets (not visible to guests)
Operating System (visible to guests)
Networking (visible to guests)
Hardware (visible to guests)
General Galactica (not visible to guests)
General Vices (not visible to guests)
Politics & Religion (not visible to guests)
Science (visible to guests)
Articles (not visible to guests)
Personal improvement (not visible to guests)
Found it on the webs (visible to guests)
Craft Beer Only! (visible to guests)
eBooks (visible to guests)
EZine (visible to EZine group members)
Creative arts (visible to guests)
Bitch and Moan (not visible to guests)
Random (not visible to guests)
Board of Shame (not visible to guests)