Author Topic: Is there any way to gain access to an Android phone without using malicious apk?  (Read 1919 times)

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Offline shadow125

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So all the tutorials I come across show how to use metasploit to create an .apk file to open a connection beween the infected phone and the attacker machine and it works, but let's say the phone is inside the same network and my machine, is there any way to gain access to this phone without social engineering? Like scanning for vulnerabilities and exploiting?

Offline Kulverstukas

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I'm afraid not, with a stock device.

Offline white_noise

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Since Android phones have no open ports and are really locked down by default, pretty much your only option is with a malicious apk.
You might be able to do something with a pdf file though, although I imagine the best that could do (if it's possible) is to crash the device since android has no terminal.