Author Topic: SkyJack Project  (Read 518 times)

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Offline evolut1o

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SkyJack Project
« on: December 17, 2015, 05:34:51 pm »
Some days ago i saw a channel on youtube, and theres this guy who actually do some really impressive hacks, he makes some gadgets based on his research on the subject and puts into practice, i recommend hardware enthusiasts to watch it. Anyway, i don't know if this project was made by him, but he posted on youtube about a project called SkyJack, apparently, he put a wireless card into his drone along with a Raspberry Pi, and the porpuse of it is to hack any wireless-connected drone in the radius of his own. He uses aircrack and standard wireless procedures like deauth to get the handshake, and then breaks the encrypted password, all set in a script that he also shares in the video.

Source of the video:

My question to the more experienced folks, with aircrack, the brute-force into the drone wireless wouldn't be too long to make it viable? Waiting for some feedback.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2015, 05:57:13 pm by evolut1o »

Offline Sheogorath

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Re: SkyJack Project
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2015, 07:42:52 am »
Thank you for the amazing share. I actually have always really enjoyed this stuff and am tempted to try something like this now.

Cheers mate