Well my story revolved more around the p2p scene with warez and shit, and anyone here who knows me knows I'm pretty deep in the p2p scene. Anyways this guy, we'll call "Ed" which was someone I went to computer repair with in high school and started hanging out. One of the first things he claimed was that he was "aXXo" however he didn't know the difference between DVDScr and a DVDRip. However it didn't stop there he went on to claim that he was an Admin on btjunkie and I just laughed when he went there (yes mr 1337 aXXo) to see the site was taken offline in fear of SOPA/ACTA. Then he's also a super 1337 programmer that doesn't like programming shit "because it takes so long" He also thinks fixing a computer entails reloading the computer with Windows 8 Developers Preview. Also didn't even know how to grab drivers. He offered to fix someones computer, I felt bad for the guy, anyways after he loaded up Win 7 on the machine there was no audio, it didn't have the drivers so he actually told the guy he would have to buy an audio card to put in his computer. I laughed, hopped online, and downloaded and installed the drivers for him, he calls the guy back and tells him he fixed the problem with the audio.
But yes a dumb ass taking credit for shit he didn't do, oh yes he also tried saying that one of the Win7 loaders he created, not the Daz or the Hazar ones, but the "Windows 7 Loader eXtreme Edition" again nothing but a chuckle.
Some people have little knowledge and skill and whenever there is someone around that knows similar if not the same and more some people feel they have to be "The Top Tech" we always get a fun laugh at n00bs. I think thats why I kept hanging out with him because it was fun that he kept making himself look like an idiot.
The people that laugh at the others that try so hard to make them look like the bad ass after talking to a bunch of people that don't know shit about computers and then trying to say the same shit to someone who knows better is just laughs.
Also on that note, I never bragged about what p2p groups I've been in, none the less the things I do for the group, why? Because of security. I'm not going to tell someone IRL: "Hey oh your admin of btjunkie? Cool I'm a member of IMAGiNE and I cap audio" I mean that is just retarded.