I'm playing around with ettercap text mode and I want to change the visualization mode but I don't know what to type in when it asks me what visualization mode to select. For example, heres the help menu:
Inline help:
[vV] - change the visualization mode
[pP] - activate a plugin
[lL] - print the hosts list
[oO] - print the profiles list
[cC] - print the connections list
[sS] - print interfaces statistics
[<space>] - stop/cont printing packets
[qQ] - quit
so I click v to change visualization mode and it says:
Visualization format:
but when I type something in it just says:
FATAL: Unsupported format (test)
it doesn't give me a list of available visualization modes so I don't know what to type in. I want to change so that it only displays HTTP traffic (which contains the sniffed usernames and passwords). How do I do that?