ok so let me take you back to yesterday mornrin
i wake up at about 11am and go into my smoking room (i need to smoke in a different room
) to have a reef and code. all good
at about 2pm my gf comes in and starts to moan that im spending to much time on the computer, we argue for a hile , i go watch some tv with her. everythig is fine. all good
then i go back to the next room code for a while, she comes in and starts moaning. then all of a sudden i get a glass of water in my face. bad thing was i was sat on the sofa with the laptop ......... i quickly unplug the power and remove the battery.
the next day i turn the laptop on , i goes crazy and starts beeping , i smack the keys and it comes on ... yayyyyy or not. now my keyboard is fucked up (turns out thats why it was beeping at the bios), random keys dont work, keys stick on etc.
about 6 hours later i turn the laptop on no beeping, keys that didnt work previously work now, i just hope it fixes itself
just thought i would share