In the past couple of days, I have been hearing how some people complain how they would really like to know or do something but they just can't manage to learn it, or are afraid to even start. I have had same problems but after a little bit of brainstorming, I realized that learning or doing almost anything should be possible with discipline, consistency and willpower.
It can be anything. Learning to play guitar, learning to hand-draw, learning to program using C, or anything else for that matter. The main abstract processes and principles remain the same.
I will not try to come up with a step-by-step guide; instead I will simply give some insights that helped me and that maybe might assist you too.
First of all, always remember that every big step or project is just a set of smaller steps. This means that you do not need to try to grasp as much as you can in as little time as you can because if you try to learn something too fast, you will keep jumping from one step to the next without even putting in enough practice at each step. At first, this will make you think that you are learning a huge amount every hour, but quickly you will reach a point when going through the next step requires a good understanding of some of the previous steps, but because you have jumped through the steps so quickly and did not practice the material associated with each of the steps properly, you will fail to advance further and will get the feeling that what ever you are learning is too hard for you. And this might either make you go back to step one and start over (hopefully not making the same mistake again), or it will make you quit once again. It is crucial not to hurry. Those who take it slow and really put in the practice to burn-in each step into the memory might learn less of different material at first, but what the do learn they will learn it well. Unlike those who keep running somewhere and only manage to put the basic idea of a thousand different things in to their short term memory. In the long run, the person who is in hurry to learn as much as he can in as little time as he can with as little practice as he can will still be in the same place he was a month ago, while the person who took his time to get each step right will still keep advancing one step at a time with consistency and confidence.
In summary, avoid the trap of trying to learn too much in too little time with too little practice, because you will trip, fall and roll down the staircase hurting yourself in the process.
Rather be slower but more consistent and focused. Always clearly know what your final goal is, and always make choices that will take you closer to that goal. Never make circumstantial decisions because they are based on your current opportunity and not on the goal you want to achieve. Make use of opportunities, but don't allow opportunities to move you away from YOUR goal. If you want to achieve A, don't go for B just because Mr. X is willing to help you to achieve B. Always keep you goal in the front of your mind and know what YOU want. Don't spend all of your life living other people's dreams because you have only one chance to live yours. When you have a choice to make, always ask yourself which option will take you closer to that goal or dream. Otherwise, you will be without direction and will just be jumping from one thing to another like an abandoned boat in an ocean, going where ever the waves are taking it.
Know where you are going, make use of every day, don't loose direction and always remember to have fun in the process.
Keep moving forward friends!