The first one wasn't working for me as i don't have chrome installed
But i used the one Phage linked...and holy shit i surprised myself. I remember my freshman year, the girl i had a crush on sat next to me in our typing class and whooped my ass every time we took a test. I'd have maybe 20 wpm, she'd have 25. I got better, had 28, she had 31. By the end of the semester I was at 33 wpm and she was at 38. Haha i loved her for that, beating me in something computer related
Anyways, got 66 wmp with 6 mistakes on my first try. and 80 wpm with 3 mistakes on my second.
blew my own mind, i thought i was in the 40 wpm range or! awesome links guys, thanks for making me feel pro
edit* took another look at the post and is this really the high score?? that...blows my mind. i've always thought of myself as a shitty typer....
then again, i find myself spelling words by seeing my fingers type them out in my head. like for apple; in my head ill see my fingers type out apple. just something i do when i'm bored...haven't done it recently lol. but in the past...