Author Topic: Where do I start getting into hacking ?  (Read 2095 times)

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Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« on: September 24, 2012, 11:32:55 pm »
First of all i would request ande and the other admins that PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE POST IF YOU DO THEN ATLEAST ANSWER ME PERSONALLY ?
I am a c++ programmer(not a pro , self taught and learning now) , a front end coder , I have experience in using keyloggers ,phishing ,social engineering tactics .
I should've started hacking long ago but I thought I should learn some programming first so I started learning C++ and now in a matter of weeks I'll be on the OOP part of c++ , meanwhile I studied about hardware and networking too , protocols basics , ip address , Url , schemes , osi layer , routers and switches , In a few months when I get  a good grasp in c++ I will start learning php and SQL language with some database mySQL or oracle .
So I guess I am not too bad to get into hacking at the moment , so can you guys please guide me on where to take a start , i mean what do I learn to get into WEB hacking , by tham I mean defacing websites and breaking into them (recall my qualifications above) what tools should I get familiar with ?
I know this is a stupid and annoying question and might've been asked before but please just for once don't remove this thread and answer me ?

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Re: Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 11:53:41 pm »
Program the web, html, css, javascript. Learn the most common web scripting languages like PHP, Python, Perl, and Ruby. Learn how they interact with backend databases. Then learn how the server stacks are setup.

Most of that is for attacking the frontend though, if you want to go directly at the servers services, then you should know what to do with your knowledge in C++ and Networking.

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Re: Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 01:26:34 am »
First of all, I just want to say that if you want to deface websites, I kindly ask that you go scoop out your eyes with melon ballers, fry them in low fat peanut oil, and shove them up your ass.:P

Secondly, do you really know everything you said you did? Or can you just follow along with the tutorials?

Thirdly, why did you learn c++ if you want people to give you tools? The programming aspect of hacking is basically making your own tools-- tools that fit your needs perfectly.

Fourthly, you WILL NOT master C++ in a couple months. It takes years and years to get okay at it.

Fifthly, if you want to deface websites, no one likes you. :D

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Re: Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2012, 02:07:46 am »
First of all, I just want to say that if you want to deface websites, I kindly ask that you go scoop out your eyes with melon ballers, fry them in low fat peanut oil, and shove them up your ass. :P

Secondly, do you really know everything you said you did? Or can you just follow along with the tutorials?

Thirdly, why did you learn c++ if you want people to give you tools? The programming aspect of hacking is basically making your own tools-- tools that fit your needs perfectly.

Fourthly, you WILL NOT master C++ in a couple months. It takes years and years to get okay at it.

Fifthly, if you want to deface websites, no one likes you. :D

Lolz, and true.

The best tool for hacking, since you know C++ would be GCC. GCC will give you everything you need, plus a whole lot more.

Keeping this thread up, at least for now, for the lolz. He did ask "kinda" nicely, so try and keep the flames to a minimum. By minimum, I mean around the temp for some marshmallows.  :)
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 02:09:25 am by techb »
>>>import this

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Re: Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2012, 02:33:53 am »
For what you are into, I would say to focus primarily on PHP and networking as well as SQL. I guess there is nothing I could say that 2r didn't.

Perhaps code your own server/website and practice on that? But really, if have so called qualifications in all the above topics you should know by now how to "get into" hacking. You could also take a look at the nmap book, there's a chapter in there about evading IDS's which you might find interesting.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 02:34:53 am by lucid »
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Re: Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2012, 02:43:24 am »
First of all, I just want to say that if you want to deface websites, I kindly ask that you go scoop out your eyes with melon ballers, fry them in low fat peanut oil, and shove them up your ass. :P

as lucid sad code your own web server.
by doing this you will really understand every step of the way.
how it works and why even how small changes can fuck up security.
you dont have to make a advanced one...
but for web hacking ill recommend learning php and mysql
forms, cookies, headers, databases, files ect


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Re: Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2012, 04:21:23 pm »
Some of you are just being dicks here :/
No  I am no PROFESSIONAL in c++ , I am learning it and going good with that :)
And I just ask because I've seen famous hackers waging cyber wars who know nothing about programming but still they do all the defaces ? Talking about hackers from indishell and PCA (yes they are script kieddies) , atleast guide me to learn some readymade tools first then only I would be able to code my own , I dont even know atm how it all works please dont be mean


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Re: Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2012, 04:23:15 pm »
And okay I would be contributing codes from now into the cpp section


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Re: Where do I start getting into hacking ?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2012, 05:06:45 pm »
For what you are into, I would say to focus primarily on PHP and networking as well as SQL. I guess there is nothing I could say that 2r didn't.

Perhaps code your own server/website and practice on that?
@OP This is probably the best advice you could ever get as far as web-hacking goes. Even if it's something stupid like XAMPP/LAMP, you will learn an incredible amount just from setting one up. I did this when I first started, and it helped me out tremendously with not just understanding the attacks, but also how to become a better programmer on my own.

Code: [Select]   ###XAMPP Tutorial