Lol was just reading the new 2600 (flag) and noticed several people writing letters like we did earlier. Then I started thinking about many times a day do we (evilzone) trigger their system? We mention hacker multiple times, we talk about ddos and botnets and spam and phishing. We talk about it all!!! Honestly, I'm surprised we didn't make the list
China is under cyber security...LOL
And I just realized this post probably prompted some 3 letter agencies to open a file.on fun!!!
Edit 2*
Also realized the obvious words like Anonymous and lulzsec and hacktivist aren't on that list...nnow that I find interesting...especially seeing as how 2600 is on there but not these groups. Does that mean the gov considets anon to not be a threat as real hackers are more affiliated with 2600? Or more likely, this list is a red herring for the public to consume and scoff at while in reality their trigger words are marginally or greatly different.