Well in my attempt to bypass various online coupon printer limits Ive come to try a WinPE environment to give it a try. However I cant seem to find information on adding printer suppirt to my PE.
The reason Im even using a PE to do this is because I attempted it in a VM however the coupon activator (an executable file to track prints) wont let you print coupons from a VM. You also cant use linux because its an exe that doesnt play nicely in wine. So my next idea was to create a WinPE that I can use to print, restart, print again since I would need to install the activator again. Now Im not even sure if this works but I want to give it a go.
So back to my issue. I cant seem to find a plugin to activate the printer. So any help guys?
btw Im using Winbuilder and a Win 7 x64 Ultimate ISO for my wim