It was a summary. Anyway, I find it hard to believe in what you actually said, anyway.
Of course its hard to believe. That's because almost every computer user is still dependent on commercial software. However, more and more people are discovering free and just as good open source alternatives to the software that they would normally have to buy. For example I now see LibreOffice more and more often installed on peoples computers. People are realizing that there is no need to pay a hundred dollars for MS Office home edition if they can get practically the same thing wrapped in another package for free. Same goes with disk burning software, encryption software, firewall and security software/hardware, sound editing, image manipulation, 3d art, vector art, game engines, and so on.
Open source is still a very new thing.
The term Open Source is so new, it was only adopted in like 1998. So far the number of commits to open source projects has been growing exponentially ever since. Every year open source free software front is becoming stronger. Just look where gnu/linux was 5 years ago and where it is now. Enormous difference. Hell, even look at where open source software was 2 years ago and now. Huge difference. Even many governments are switching to linux variants. Banks are soon to follow (which still pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for specialist bank operating system solutions to run their servers and whole digital infrastructure).
Its like a chain effect. The more open source software grows and spreads, the faster it will grow.
So yeah, its hard to believe that one day open source software will outgrow commercial software, but by looking at how thinks have been progressing lately, I am quite certain it will happen.
Anyway, its my opinion. I am not some mage or paranormal creature who would know the future.