Author Topic: The uses of comiled code vs interpreted code  (Read 1086 times)

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Offline gr33n

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The uses of comiled code vs interpreted code
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:38:17 am »
So I have noticed that when I downloaded a c++ bot-net bot for fun to see if I could get it working that my anti virus picked it up straight away.
where as I downloaded a python bot-net and the same did not happen.
I am wondering if this is because the c++ version was made into binary code and then the anti virus had to check it or is it just that this particular c++ code had alot of security issues that the anti virus found and then deleted it for?

so I guess my real question is, are scripts unnoticed by anti virus programs? and should I always use scripts in the way of inserting a program into someone's system instead of compiled languages?

hope this was clear enough if not just tell me and I will re write it.

Thanks, gr33n.

Offline Ragehottie

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Re: The uses of comiled code vs interpreted code
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 05:48:36 am »
Well, if you downloaded a botnet, it's probably well known and thus av's know about it too.

But compiles languages are used for botnets because you don't have to have the interpreter installed on the infected computer. Interpreted languages require the interpreter ti be installed oj the computer, and most interpreters do not come pr-installed on windows, which is most of the computers out there.

Sorry for spelling/grammar, I can't see the top half of ny phone screen.

Offline gr33n

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Re: The uses of comiled code vs interpreted code
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2013, 06:13:15 am »
AHH very true thanks and nps about spelling haha