Nice tutorial.
Just a few remarks,
You don't talk about tor, but this serious.
we can not qualify anything really "secured" because as says it the sentence:
" 安全性は錯覚です。"
Simply because the information which are transmitted on between knots, is not coded.
Secondly, because firefox isn't perfect, 0day are here.
"TOR isn't secure"
This sentence is partly true for some time.
Before, we could change the configurations of TOR for something a little secure, but some options were deactivated because of a friend. thus there are the least interesting
Other thing, you do not have speak about the WIFI security...
Hide SSID! This not secure because your homespot emit still, but it will protect you from begginner.
Use WPA2! If you have a WEP encryption and you can not change security mod, buy a new homespot, your homespot it's too older.
If you have WPA2, this is not yet secured.
Your WPA key (in HEX) is normally situated on 64 bits (8 chars), with wordlist attack/bruteforce, you crack it in last 4 hours.
WPA2 propose it:
- WPA2 - 160-bit - 20 Characters
- WPA2 - 504-bit - 63 Characters
Don't use buffer overflow of 0x41 in example, because in wordlist it's maybe probable to have this word.
Use special chars (#,@,$) etc...
Use this for calculate the nomber of possibility for crack ur WPA2:
2^n > n=(log(x)/log(2)*k)
N corresponds to the entropy of your password. The more he is raised, the more it will be necessary to make out a will of combinations. We divide generally the 2^n by 2, because we rarely test all the possibilities. Convert then this result in minutes, hours, days, years following the trial speed (x password/sec).
Change password of your homespot configuration, Because there are often passwords of the kind:
Oh I forgot: Disable WPS (PIN Vulnerable, PBC adn NFC: Bullshit)
Sorry for my english and Enjoy,
Regards, Kanade.