Hello EZ.
I have a long time thought the current category and board structure is a bit of a mess and needed updating. I wasent going to do this until Alpha was completed, but had a bit of free time on my hands, and who knows when Alpha will be complete..
I would really love comments, ideas, criticizem and alike to make this proposal even better.
This is the proposal so far:
+-Evilzone Community / Network
| +-News and Announcements (News and announcements related to this website, community, forum and network.)
| +-Community / Network Discussion (General discussion about anything not fitting in any of the other categories.)
| +-Introductions (New here? Post a little something about yourself and let us greet you.)
| +-Feedback (Complaints, love ideas and suggestions.)
+-Hacking and Security
| +-General Hacking and Security (Hacking and security related topics that does not fit anywhere else in this category.)
| +-Cryptography (Cryptanalysis, encryption, decryption and tools.)
| +-Reverse Engineering (Software modification, reverse engineering, patching.)
| +-Networking (Firewalls, intrusion detection, intrusion prevention.)
| +-Web Application (Web application exploitation.)
| +-Software explitation (Remote and local software exploitation, fuzzing.)
| +-Wireless (WiFi, bluetooth and other wireless systems.)
| +-Tools / Software (Hacking and security related tools.)
| +-Physical (Social engineering, lockpicking, pickpocketing and other physical hacking and security related topics.)
| +-Hardware (Hardware devices, gadgets, hacking, modification, DIY.)
| +-Mobile Devices (Rooting, unlocking, exploitation and modification of mobile devices.)
| +-OS / System (Server management, setup, configuration.)
| | +-Android
| | +-iOS
| | +-Other
| +-Anonymity / Privacy (Proxy, VPN, traces, logs, client information, encryption, identity.)
| +-HackMe (Vulnerable websites and services that just wants/deserves to be exposed.)
| +-Projects and Discussion (Share your latest programming project/idea, or discuss about programming in general.)
| +-Evilzone Releases (Release your official EvilProjects here.)
| +-C / C++
| +-Assembly
| +-Java
| +-Visual Basic / C# / .NET
| +-Javascript / HTML / CSS
| +-PHP / ASP
| +-Delphi / Pascal
| +-Perl
| +-Python
| +-Ruby
| +-Batch / Bash / Shell
| +-Database
| +-Other (Got code that dosent fit anywhere else, post it here.)
+-Evilzone projects / Services
| +-EvilUpload (File and image hosting.)
| +-EvilTerminal (A online *nix terminal simulator.)
| +-EZine (An online magazine maintained by Evilzone.)
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+-Other / general knowledge
| +-General Discussion (General intellectual thoughts.)
| +-Vices (Alcohol, drugs, fraud and other vices.)
| +-Science (Physics, math, chemistry and electronics.)
| +-Politics and Religion (Political and/or religious discussions.)
+-Other / Lounge
| +-Found it on the web (Cool, funny, interesting or informative things you find on the web.)
| +-eBooks (ebooks about anything! PDF's preferable.)
| +-Creative lounge (Everyone is creative! Some more than others though. Show some skill.)
| +-Random (Yeah yeah.. It's over nine thousand..)
| +-VIP membership requests (Request VIP for yourself or nominate others.)
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+-Admin / Staff
| +-Trash
| / /
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| / /
Cant find fit for or dont want these existing boards:
Other - Hardware
Other - Operating System
Other - Bitch and moan ( Do we even want this board anymore.. Seriously? )
The entire international category
Encyclopedia Galactica - Other
Programming - Code library ( This just did not work out lol )
Programming - EvilCMS ( Same )
Programming - EvilPMS ( Same, lol at name.. )
Hacking and Security - Tutorials ( Not entierly sure what to do about this, having one single tutorial board has its advantages but also its weaknesses..)