Author Topic: New York State is now offering $500 to people who snitch on gun owners  (Read 2038 times)

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NY State has established a toll-free tip line – 1-855-GUNSNYS (1-855- 486-7697) to encourage residents to report illegal firearm possession. The tip line also allows for information to be submitted via text – individuals can text GUNTIP and their message to CRIMES (274637). The New York State Police staff the tip line 24 hours a day. Upon receiving a call, troopers will solicit as much information as possible regarding a firearm tip then contact the appropriate police agency with the lead to initiate an investigation. If the information leads to an arrest for the illegal possession of a firearm, the “tipster” will be awarded $500.

This is like something you’d read about in China or Cuba, not America.

A program aimed at rewarding people who blow the whistle on illegal gun owners has yet to show significant results, says three police agencies in the New York.

In February of 2012, 11 months before the passage of the NY SAFE Act, Governor Cuomo’s office announced a four pronged initiative to curb gun violence. One of the programs was a cash reward for citizens who lead police to the arrest and confiscation of illegal fire arms.

Known as the “Gun Tip Line”, New Yorkers can call a toll free hotline to alert police if they believe someone they know has an illegal gun. The call would be picked up by state police and local law enforcement would be notified if the tip seemed reliable.

If there was an arrest the tipster would receive as much as $500.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 01:53:22 pm by hanorotu »

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Weapons brought nothing but cancer into this world.
I honestly dont really care, I actually wish theyd ban guns in general, worldwide.

Btw I can see the difference between snitching and gun ownership.
But i got carried away.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 02:34:13 pm by proxx »
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Quote from: hanorotu

This is like something you’d read about in China or Cuba, not America.

If there was an arrest the tipster would receive as much as $500.

I do agree that is something you'd read about either in Russia, Cuba, or China or some other communist country :/

So How long before we have a national hotline for people to snitch on other people for talking un-American like or if they might be member's of Anonymous ?

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Weapons brought nothing but cancer into this world.
I honestly dont really care, I actually wish theyd ban guns in general, worldwide.

Btw I can see the difference between snitching and gun ownership.
But i got carried away.

Im american, and i have the right to bear arms guaranteed on the constitution that forms the frameworkfor everything my nation stands for. While i realize these guys are going afyer "illegal" gun owners, i feel as though this is one more step towards big brotherness in america. And think about it, as much as people hate it, america does have a lot of influence in the world. So if one of the "freest" countries is moving so far towards big brotherness, what does that bode for the rest of the world?
Before you ask, im not a republican. I dont hold with all of their views, but i am a firm believer in gun rights in my country.
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Im american, and i have the right to bear arms guaranteed on the constitution that forms the frameworkfor everything my nation stands for. While i realize these guys are going afyer "illegal" gun owners, i feel as though this is one more step towards big brotherness in america. And think about it, as much as people hate it, america does have a lot of influence in the world. So if one of the "freest" countries is moving so far towards big brotherness, what does that bode for the rest of the world?
Before you ask, im not a republican. I dont hold with all of their views, but i am a firm believer in gun rights in my country.
Yep thats what I figured , how much I would love to im not gonna continue the discussion.
Its gonna be another typical US vs the world discussion.
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Offline Daemon

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Yep thats what I figured , how much I would love to im not gonna continue the discussion.
Its gonna be another typical US vs the world discussion.

Not at all, im not bashing on other countries and personally i have a lot of problems with the USA. I just feel this is troubling for the world in general, as we are generally considered the leaders in freedom and yet here we are paying people to snitch on each other...

Its not too far removed from rewarding people for snitching on those who disagree woth the government. I feel this is a slippery slope...
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 09:04:31 pm by Daemon »
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How is the USA one of the freest countries in the world with the highest percentage of people in prison?

Leaders of freedom attack other countries and force them to live in a certain way ?

I dont get it.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 09:11:49 pm by proxx »
Wtf where you thinking with that signature? - Phage.
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Offline Zesh

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How is the USA one of the freest countries in the world with the highest percentage of people in prison?

Leaders of freedom attack other countries and force them to live in a certain way ?

I dont get it.

This. America thinks it's the leader of freedom but no one else shares that view.

Offline vezzy

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America hasn't been free since the aftermath of the Civil War. More or less. Once the industrial giants began imposing their power-sustaining laws and poisoning the system, ultimately evolving into the globalist agenda, the libertarian republic ended.

I'd say Michigan enacting compulsory schooling is a good symbolic beginning of freedom downtime.
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It's really enlightening to hear outside opinions of your own country. Makes me sad to hear that this is how the US is truly  perceived, and even sadder that to an extent i agree with it. America, being the last superpower, really has the potential to change the world for the better, and its disappointing that we are not living up to our responsibilities, and are even often times creating a negative affect on other countries.
Perhaps some day this will change, but for that to happen its looking like america will require some sort of rude awakening.

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Re: New York State is now offering $500 to people who snitch on gun owners
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2013, 11:36:53 am »
How is the USA one of the freest countries in the world with the highest percentage of people in prison?

Leaders of freedom attack other countries and force them to live in a certain way ?

I dont get it.
What country are you from? Because freedom isn't just about prison or not being behind bars, its about being able to do what you want. America has less restrictive laws on both economical and social policies than most countries in the world. While we may have a bunch of fuckheads who commited crime, what do they have to do with freedom to make choices?

As for attacking other countries, i fear your right. We are definitely heading down a bad slope that way...
This. America thinks it's the leader of freedom but no one else shares that view.

See, thats false. As an American i don't believe were that free at all, and of the other countries i've been too (in eastern asia) they all believe that America is the most free place on the planet.
Europe on the other hand loves nothing more than to trash America and make fun of us.

Now I do believe you guys when you say that you don't believe America is that free at all, but is that the same feeling everyoen in your country has? or just the educated ones with half a brain, like you? We are a community of hackers, so we see a lot that others don't. We are smarter than the majority, i mean personally i consider myself average intelligence at best and yet i am constantly dumbfounded by stupidity i see around me every day. While 99% of the people I know would never have voted for Obama (again, most of them aren't even Republicans) he still managed to win by majority. What im saying is, that your experience isn't necessarily a true representative of how the entire world feels. And no, I cant speak for the rest of the world either. However, in my experience abroad, people view America as a very free country. A large portion of that being economic freedom, not concering themselves with jails. And even outside of my experience, people in japan follow the presidential elections almost as much as Americans do. So do quite a few other countries becuase no matter how shitty we (us hackers/americans/enlightened) individuals may feel america is, the sad fact remains that it IS one of the major world powers.

America has some of the most freedom comparitively speaking with other countries around the world.

Is it 100% free? fuck no. will it ever be? fuck no. but still...
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 11:40:17 am by Daemon »
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Re: New York State is now offering $500 to people who snitch on gun owners
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2013, 08:57:24 pm »
I think you're taking this too "personally" or making it a bigger deal than it really is; you said "the leaders in freedom" which a few of us disagree with, that is it.

So if one of the "freest" countries is moving so far towards big brotherness, what does that bode for the rest of the world?

Moving towards? You mean, already there, right? Also, no other country actually cares about America and its big brother problem as most countries face such a problem to certain extents. I mean Britain, is already there with the number of cameras being used.

Europe on the other hand loves nothing more than to trash America and make fun of us.

I think you're forgetting the Middle East...

I just feel this is troubling for the world in general

Again, the world has bigger problems than gun control. Not to mention the fact that this is only ONE state in America.

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Re: New York State is now offering $500 to people who snitch on gun owners
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2013, 09:18:33 am »
Europe is not an country.

Anyway, in Sweden, we have this thing called "Vapen Razzia"  where illegal gun owners can  lend in their guns for free and without risks of getting arrested, however, it only last for some months and with almost a decennium years wait time.
With guns, I don't feel like you need them in America, because why?
"What if some random dude jumped up on me and started hitting me with a stick, I'd have no way of defending myself". In Sweden, normally the public acts, not everyone, but there are some real heroes. In America, you'd have to draw out a gun and start shooting right? Because that man is crazy, or was at least. Now I don't know a lot about the laws in America, but I think that the used gun laws are old.

And this law makes perfect sense for me(the one hanaruto is talking about.) , as I am a communist >:D. (And no, I don't like Stalin or China.)
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 09:20:16 am by WirelessDesert »
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Re: New York State is now offering $500 to people who snitch on gun owners
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2013, 03:49:58 pm »
Im american, and i have the right to bear arms guaranteed on the constitution that forms the frameworkfor everything my nation stands for. While i realize these guys are going afyer "illegal" gun owners, i feel as though this is one more step towards big brotherness in america. And think about it, as much as people hate it, america does have a lot of influence in the world. So if one of the "freest" countries is moving so far towards big brotherness, what does that bode for the rest of the world?
Before you ask, im not a republican. I dont hold with all of their views, but i am a firm believer in gun rights in my country.

I hope you realize "the right to bear arms" means nothing about owning a gun or a weapon of any kind. When the constitution was written, if you were to go back in time and ask them what it meant to "bear arms", they would tell you that it means to stand up for yourself and overthrow an oppressive government, should it come to that. It meant to take up arms against the US government should you ever feel that it is not giving you the rights you deserve.

Not bashing you or anything, and I see you didn't use it in any of your other arguments, but 90% of people don't realize that the constitution was written over 200 years ago, and they spoke much differently then than now, therefore it was interpreted differently. But I do agree with almost everything you said.

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Re: New York State is now offering $500 to people who snitch on gun owners
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2013, 10:55:50 pm »
Good, America has a serious problem with guns, especially the fact that most people that have them are fucking idiots.