Oh shit your in luck, if windows 7 your videos are in:
in the format fla*.tmp. But you cannot copy them because you get the infamous "file in use" windows error. So what you do is download hobocopy:
https://github.com/candera/hobocopy/downloadsplace it in your PATH, i.e. C:\Windows, open cmd.exe, then force the copy of the directory. Rename the .tmp files to .flv Here is my powershell wrap-around code:
# copy all flash videos from web browser cache
function Copy-Vids {
$t = "$HOME\.hobocopy-tmp\"
$d = "$HOME\Videos\"
if((Get-ChildItem "$env:temp\fla*.tmp") -eq $null) {
Write-Host "Cannot find any fla*.tmp files in TEMP dir: $env:tmp"
return $null
Write-Host -NoNewline "Forcing Copy of TEMP Directory to $t ... "
HoboCopy $env:temp $t | Out-Null
Write-Host "OK ($([System.Math]::Round(((gci $t -recurse | measure-object Length -sum).Sum/1MB), 2))MB)`r`n"
Get-ChildItem $t\fla*.tmp | foreach {
$n = "$d\$(Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 99999).flv"
Copy-Item $_ $n
Write-Host " Copy $_`t-> $n`t`t$([System.Math]::Round(((Get-Item $n).length/1MB), 2))MB"
Write-Host -NoNewline "`r`nDeleting Directory $t ... "
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $t
Write-Host "OK"
function Test-Vids {
$vids = @{}; $s = 5
if((ls $env:temp/fla*.tmp) -eq $null) { "Cannot find any fla*.tmp files in TEMP dir: $env:tmp"; return $null }
ls $env:temp/fla*.tmp | % { $vids[$_.name] = $_.length }
"Sleeping for $s seconds ..."
sleep -s $s
ls $env:temp/fla*.tmp | % { if($vids[$_.name] -lt $_.length) { "$($_.name): still downloading" } else { "$($_.name): no increased file size" } }
So basically now all I gotta do to download them is:
1 - load them(doesn't matter how many, could be 80) in firefox(or any browser)
2 - open powershell
3 - type "Copy-Vids"
4 - wait for it to finish, go check in My Videos for flv files
The function Test-Vids is just to check if the videos are done, some flv players don't show video progress... So it checks if fla*.tmp files exist, if they do... wait 5 seconds and see if they got any bigger.
The cmd.exe equiv is also simple:
C:\> Hobocopy %TEMP% C:\hobocopy-temp
-- output --
C:\> copy C:\Hobocopy-temp\fla0Ef3.tmp C:\where\ever\my_video.flv
note: there is now waaayyyy too much porn on my computer.