Hacking and Security / Re: Ways to block users from website
« on: August 29, 2015, 10:14:21 am »If spamming comments is your problem, i can only think of afew things.
First, maybe require a login or something to comment hence you block by user and they have to go register again, blah, blah[not a good solution]
Second, turn off comments after X number of days.
Value commenters by first comment and if abused, mark them.
Implement a captcha into the commenting system. This won't block users, although it will slow down automated spaming attacks. Then if you do what kenjoe said and also make it logon only and implement the captcha to register, they will probably not want to keep registering to do it. Not a sure shot way honestly. If someone wants to spam they are going to spam. Although, this will probably help the best IMO.
If it's a blog, like Wordpress, then Akismet is the only way to go.
I thought about something - i can make any new user to insert an authentic mail address - this could work like thatt:
The system checking the email -> the email found in the database and doesn't linked to the block list -> system approves.
The system checking the email -> the email found in the database and linked to the block list -> the system doesn't approve.
The system checking the email -> the email wasn't found -> the system sends a mail to the address with a request to approve by the user.