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Messages - Crouton

Pages: [1]
Android / Re: Computer to phone relations
« on: March 25, 2013, 01:11:55 am »
well I checked all the setting and I know on the original rom that came on the phone there was something like that but I can't find anything now. Also I just realized that I don't think the phone knows its plugged into something. I mean it  knows to charge but generally when you plug your phone in it comes up in the notification bar charge only or whichever you've got it set to, but nothing comes up. I'm gonna play around with it a bit more and check out the xda forums to do some reading on it, thanks guys.

Android / Computer to phone relations
« on: March 23, 2013, 11:54:30 pm »
Alrighty, so I rooted phone (HTC Evo 4G) and flashed CM7 on it. After it started up I connected it to my computer and tried putting music on it and everything was fine, but then I realized that I didn't have certain google programs I wanted to so I found a .zip with the whole pack on the xda forums and flashed that on as well. Connect my phone to my computer again and now my computer doesn't recognize the phone as anything. not a storage device, not anything, it just charges it. So my question is has this ever happened to any of you guys? I've got other people who want me to do this to their phones but I don't want this to happen to them so I came to one of the places I figured could help.

Anonymity and Privacy / Re: Receiving mail in the post anonymously
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:55:21 am »
Can't you go to a store and buy a prepaid card? just pay with cash and nothing is traceable to you. I've never had the need to do it but I've heard of some people doing that, but this is America, I'm not sure how that all works in other countries.

Android / Re: multiple questions and/or problems
« on: December 31, 2012, 11:19:11 pm »
yeah I know they're different, I just can't prove to you that I've got s - off I just know I do. that's an old picture. anyway, thanks for your help. I've got it now... I think, I'll update if I run into more problems.

Android / Re: multiple questions and/or problems
« on: December 31, 2012, 11:11:03 pm »
I've got s - off, I don't really have another camera right now so I can't take pictures of my phone screen to show but I used this guide!- to get s - off.

Android / multiple questions and/or problems
« on: December 31, 2012, 11:03:50 pm »
Alright guys, I'm having serious problems with this root job. I've got an HTC EVO 4G. I used the htcdev website to unlock the bootloader and got this image

I used RA Recovery v2.3 for the recovery and android flasher to flash it to my phone. Everything was actually working fine up until the point where in my sleepless stupor I used Unrevoked3 even after I had finished everything and achieved root. I know had I reached root because I've got the version of Titanium Backup that requires root, I was able to use it so I know I was pretty much finished. Although for some stupid reason I went through and used Unrevoked3 and that flashed a new recovery and did something else, my problem is after that I went to sleep woke up and had lost root access and the superuser (I don't want to say app but you know its there with the rest of the apps); now I'm trying to start over but I can no longer flash a recovery to the phone with android flasher because it says I need an "eng bootloader" and when I tried doing it through the command prompt I got this reply :

I'm just really wanting to know what I've done wrong; or rather, if you guys have any suggestions on how I can fix this.

Also I'm sorry if the pictures are a little big

edit: Also I should add that when I ran Unrevoked3 it put me back at the regular htc recovery, so I can't just load the superwipe that's on the sdcard.

Android / Re: Android rooting questions?
« on: December 31, 2012, 09:11:03 pm »
I've got an original EVO 4G. I didn't brick it which is real nice, but somehow I've lost most of the work I did to it last night. After I achieve root again, I'll flash a new ROM and let everyone know how that goes. Thanks guys

Android / Re: Android rooting questions?
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:26:51 pm »
I have a separate question. I just finished rooting my phone not 30 minutes ago, but now my phone wants me to update, I guess my question is should I allow the update? this is my first root ever and I'm not really sure what to do here.

Operating System / Re: Backtrack 5 R3
« on: August 31, 2012, 01:20:17 pm »
yeah I got it, thanks.

Operating System / Re: Backtrack 5 R3
« on: August 30, 2012, 01:12:55 am »
sorry bout that Kulv, the bold is an old habbit from other forums.

Thanks everybody, I think it was the usb port. I after I noticed whatever I would plug into it would only work random I decided to open my computer and saw it was loose.

Operating System / Backtrack 5 R3
« on: August 29, 2012, 06:47:51 am »
I'm trying dual-boot Backtrack 5 R3 onto my computer with win7. I've downloaded the iso for BT and put it on a flashdrive and I'm trying to tell my computer to boot from it instead of my internal harddrive. My problem is even if I tell it to boot from the flashdrive it won't. I even went into the BIOS and changed the boot order so that it would try to boot from there first but all it does is just start up windows. I feel like I'm obviously doing something wrong so I figured someone here would be able to point me in the right direction.

Tutorials / Re: A collection of papers
« on: August 27, 2012, 08:35:46 am »
I've read the SET one. I really liked it It goes over Spear Phishing and Website Attacks in relative detail, although with the screen shots included you can see some other stuff that at the end he says he'll probably write more articles on in detail.

thanks for these, the couple I've read tonight have been real good.

Tutorials / Re: Networking - the basics - Part 1/2
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:52:00 am »
If I understand this correctly to answer your question about "If you want to you can try to seperate this subnet into 8 pieces with at least 25 host per subnet. Is this possible"  I don't think this is possible. But I'm pretty sure I messed up in the math somewhere.

Tutorials / Re: Basic Forensics with Wireshark
« on: August 21, 2012, 08:47:31 am »
That was wonderful, thank you. I followed along with every step and at some points even found myself doing what I thought would come next, then reading the tut, and I was right. this is my first time using Wireshark and I'm glad its got such a simple interface (well for at least the things that you've gone over in this tutorial).

I do have two questions though:
1. When I was reading this I wasn't logged into the forum, then afterwards I started a capture, logged in, and stopped it to try to see if I could find in the packets my own login information. So I found my username, but next to it instead of my password it says "user=Crouton&passwrd=&cookielength=-1&hash_passwrd=7bbf264cdc9a2f868c839a436150bfd7e11fd68eHTTP/1.1 302 Found" how come it doesn't actually show my password?
2. My second question is how come right after that it says "Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT" would this be refering to the server?

A third question just came to mind, if I'm using this program from my own computer to capture packets how do I use it to capture packets left by other people?

Sorry I sound like a noob, I'm just trying to learn.

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