You're using PHP tags for Javascript. Also, you'll need a XAMMP/WAMP to execute PHP code, so get rid of the software your overprotective mum installed.
So to get rid of the pass word I just gotta open Cmd and type "net user administrator *" and then type the new pass. Kewl. Totally forgot about that haha
I believe one has to be an admin to promote a user to admin, so the command is useless.
echo ("Hello World")
Echo is a language construct, so you don't need the parenthesis. You also forgot the semicolon.
Using "<?" to start your PHP code is bad practice as it's not officially supported by the PHP devs and could be removed in any future release. Use "<?PHP" instead.
You can get XAMMP from here: can get WAMP from here: your mother:
You could do a fresh Windows install, partition your HDD and install a Linux distro, use the
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, or try to reason with your mother.