I am started a Evilzone team. I require higher skills to enter. I really don't care if i am in a team with 2 members as long as we are skilled. You can expect total failure when launching a metasploit autopwn.
Pick one of the skill-sets below if you want to join this team or be in both teams (if the noobpatrol team is still going to play). Please do take into mind that by choosing a skill-set you tell us that you are experienced in that set.
Web-security - Experienced with at least:
-Blind SQLi on MySQL and 1 other database system.
-Cross site vulnerability's (XSS, XSRF etc.)
-Little social engineering is always good
-LFI/RFI and other Path traversal attacks
-Filter evasion techniques
-Basic PHP/ASP programming
-General web-security skills (shells and whatnot)
-The ability to set-up and secure an open-source CMS
Server admin
-Installation of a linux server, you should be able to setup almost all non-self-compile distro's (Debian, arch linux, ubuntu, etc.etc.etc)
-Installation and secure configuration of the required services and packages such as Apache2, PHP, FTP, SSH etc.
-Installation of security features in the linux OS such as IPS, IDS, Firewall and other monitoring and security systems (selinux

-The ability to monitor the server for load, security, traffic etc.
-And some general "Linuxfu"
Exploiter - Honey potter
-Installation of required tool set for exploitation and exploit development
-Some honey potting experience should be nice
-Exploitfu, loads of that. And deeper knowledge than just the metasploit terminal
-Exploit/Payload development
-You can audit the network, spot easy targets, check people who tried to scan us.
-Have some knowledge about networking, scripting, and secure/stealth scanning.
-You just want to program cool tools for us to use
This is a quick mock-up of skill-sets, pick one if you are experienced in the field. And then the fun can start

Deadline is around June (then the CTF will start)
Here is my referral url
http://ctf365.com/ref/WvxTCRxHd8bg9SzsBCJx click it if you like.
Please note, this is not a timed ctf but "the World of Warcraft for hackers"