Take care all you guys who have a mybb forum with ajax chat plugin installed.
It's SQLi vulnerable .
Source: http://1337day.com/exploit/20836
Just google this dork : intitle:MyBB Ajax Chat inurl:chat_frame.php
And you'll find many vulnerable forums by SQLi.
e.g www.bios-mods.com/forum/
(big forum 50 K members about BIOS updates &modifications)
Their login panel (default lol , they should change it) : http://www.bios-mods.com/forum/admin/
Username : 1234s282
Password : 72e5262e3be89824b32c0817123e67d0:A1c2dion (hash:salt)
(I reported to the owner this bug of this site)
Have a nice time everyone,