Author Topic: Applying for an internship (Work placement)  (Read 713 times)

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Applying for an internship (Work placement)
« on: June 04, 2013, 12:35:44 pm »
Hello everyone,

I think I can safely assume most people here are in the IT field or studying towards it. I need to apply for an internship or otherwise known as a work placement. I need to do so before September.

Now my question is what should I focus on, and how did you get where you are?

Any advice welcome  :)

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Re: Applying for an internship (Work placement)
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 01:44:56 pm »
Hello everyone,

I think I can safely assume most people here are in the IT field or studying towards it. I need to apply for an internship or otherwise known as a work placement. I need to do so before September.

Now my question is what should I focus on, and how did you get where you are?

Any advice welcome  :)

Focus on team work, how to develop in teams. That is a golden skill

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Re: Applying for an internship (Work placement)
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2013, 03:43:37 pm »
Focus on team work, how to develop in teams. That is a golden skill

To build off of this, focus on communication skills. These are massively important in the field, to the point of being about 90% of your actual job. I also write a good bit on the passion required for the job and some of the absolutes in the industry here, if you're interested: Link
<johnyburger> yay, now internet doesnt have any pic from me | <johnyburger> deleted last from my facebook

<Daemon> hahaha i might be willing to sacrifice my asshole for an internship

<connection> because at evilzone, we aren't evil | <Tunnetaan> we're just a little bi curious

<Factionwars> nigger

<scimitar> i thought, the more professionals you put at work at one assignment the more potential

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Re: Applying for an internship (Work placement)
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2013, 06:15:23 pm »
That depends a lot on where you are from as the work culture is so different around the world and in each department of a company. I would never have landed my job by being a team player. My work requires me sitting +7 hours a day looking into my screen and having complete focus without saying a word - the only reason for getting off my chair is when the black liquid of life is gone from my mug and need to be refilled.

I used to do IT auditis, and this was quite the opposite and a whole other world. It really depends on the mentality of the department and there is no universal answer to your question.

Be honest. If you're gonna spend a third of your daily life doing something, you don't want to keep putting up an act all the time.