No cookies(or after x minutes), no browser history , spoofed useragent, noscript, no http referrer.
I rarely ever use google or any of its services.
Some magic on my personal http proxy.
Its hard to believe those websites that tell you how anonymous you are, but when I visit those I score extremely low because to the outside world it appears as if im using a transparant proxy whilst im not.
Its more of a brainfuck than true security.
I thought about this a long time and I think to be 'anonymous' you gotta look like 95% of the other users.
That is some crappy windows box with a million extra iexplorer toolbars and a bunch of trojans.
I especially removed the fact that im using linux as that kinda sticks out.
LSO cookies are very trendy.
How about that fucked up facebook plugin on all those websites.
Not that I have facebook but I can imagine that really exposes you big time.
When you logged in and you visit any website that has such a fantastic awesome plugin ; facebook will know your browsing porn and whatnot.
Same goes( and probably worse) for google.
In fact >8X% or so has a google something on their website.
Which would mean that in combination with your cookie or logged in account google Owns you browsing history.
I believe there is a xcon talk about this somewhere.
Even more awesome is that they have your previous IP's thus being able to track based on geo.
Also if you ever used a browser outside of your VPN or whatever than they have that as well.
Combining that with previously stored info your completely fucked and you might aswel post that info on pastebin , at least that way its availible to everyone and not only big scary companies that will screw you over as soon as any gov. feels like it
Man I love this.
Im gonna go into gardening or something.