well, recently, i have been following the MIT OCW for computer science, starting with 6.00. the videos are going ok, and i've been taking loads of notes. however, it's come to problem set 2, and I cannot get the program to run. No doubt I've done something stupid, but I just can't see the syntax error.
oBalance = raw_input("Please input your outstanding credit card balance: $")
air = raw_input("Please input your annual credit card interest rate as a decimal: ")
mmpr = raw_input("Please enter your minimum monthly payment rate as a decimal: ")
currentMonth = 1
x = 0
for x in range(0,12)
print "Month: " + currentMonth
currentMonth = currentMonth + 1
mmp = round(mmpr * oBalance, 2)
interestPaid = round((air/12) * oBalance, 2)
principalPaid = round(oBalance - principalPaid, 2)
oBalance = round(oBalance - principalPaid, 2)
print "Minimum monthly payment: $" + mmp
print "Principal paid: $" + principalPaid
print "Remaining Balance: $" + oBalance