Are you serious?
The problem with rebellions... is that the rebels are often just as extreme as those they fight. neither side is the good side. and no, the difference between the others here is not 'defeatism'. The only way to truly win a war, is not to fight it. otherwise, both sides lose.
let me put this to you. your world is too black and white. you build an ideal enemy, one that you believe is an absolute wrong. an absolute black to your white. well.. you are wrong. there is no black and white. only grey. People do bad things for good reasons, and good things for bad reasons.
No, the majority of people on this forum may not particularly enjoy the presenceof authority. The difference is, whereas you aggravate and pour salt on the wounds of a sleeping behemoth, the rest of us accept it's authority, and respect it. we may twist the current way of things to our advantage, but we all respect authority to a degree. This is not a weakness. This is a part of humanity, built into us from before we branched down from the original hominoidean species, to better help us survive. some are leaders, some are followers. the point - the masses need a leadership in some form. on the internet, these leaders are the mods, the admins.
And these admins do what they do for the greater good of the community. and it is a long-lasting fact that for the greater good of the community, certain individuals have been cast out. banning is older than the internet, have you ever heard of exile?
My final points - The most prejudiced here, seems to be the one throwing about the word prejudice. you have an ideal, but to protect that ideal, you label people in certain ways, to justify the elicitation of certain reactions towards them. and To finish, i wish to leave something for you to ponder - Freedom for everyone, is freedom for noone.