A python MD5 hash cracker that uses permutations.
INFORMATIONPyCrack will brute force an MD5 hash string, by generating a set of permutations.
Basically, it will generate every possible string using the characters a-z, A-Z,
and 0-9. It will start off as 1 character, until it has checked every possible
permutation, and then the length will increase by 1, every time it, until it hits
a maximum of a 25.
Brute forcing takes a very long time, depending on the legnth of the string that
was hashed, or if it is salted, but if this is kept running long enough, it will
crack any alphanumeric hash up to 25 characters in length.
USAGEThis is a command line tool, so it takes arguments to run.
Usage : [HASH]
SOURCE CODE- Python 2.7.5: Python 3.3.2: