Author Topic: Giving Guidance  (Read 538 times)

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Offline Moistfish

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Giving Guidance
« on: October 01, 2013, 12:23:16 am »
Hello all,

Thought i would pre-warn those who only read into a wall of text, that this is a "ask for help" kind of post.

So to begin, i have previously mentioned in an introductory post that i am a graduate games designer.  Although this has not sat well with me as recently during the final year of my studies, i noticed that i no longer wished to pursue a career within the industry as well as there being little jobs. in the particular areas i was good at.  So, after researching and looking around at computing degrees and specializations, Cyber Security seemed to fit quite well and i enjoyed the idea of what the job entails.  Coming from a degree and background in design and moving over to an area of more technical expertise, i have given myself a year to prepare for the Masters Degree in Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, and it is here i am asking for some help with information and guidance.

Just to throw it out there, while hacking is interesting and i wouldn't put the idea off the table, it is not my main goal.  Achieving a suitable level of background knowledge for my course is my main goal while specializing wherever i can in the short time frame that i have.

Any information that anyone has, whoever is reading this, i would be greatful for you to share from your experience/knowledge/friends etc in this field.  Like any information would be great.  So far i have been researching jobs to find what skills and knowledge is most sought after and have came up with this list for making it into Security Consultant roles.

1. Programming Languages:
 - C and Java (Most Sought After)
 - .Net
 - C ++

1a. Scripting Languages
 - Python (Most Sought After)
 - SQL

1b. Web Based Languages
 - HTTP (Most Sought After)
 - SSL

2. Operating Systems
 - Unix (Most Sought After)
 - Linux + Windows

3. Accreditations and Cetificates (Courses)
 - CISSP (Most Sought After)

4. Security Technologies
 - Websense (Most Sought After)
 - Fortigate and Nessus

5. 'Best Practice' Methodologies
 - ISO 27001 (Most Sought After)

This is a list, which is by no means the be all and end all, its just what appeared most of all on application forms and what not when looking at roles.  This is my list of whats, sort of, important for the role.  What i am asking is that people look over it and comment on it in terms of what they think is important and all from their experience.

Currently i am teaching myself Python as i have never learnt programming before  (having heard its one of the easier ones to learn and get into).  i currently use Python Tutorial to teach myself and i think it is working rather well, however that's my opinion.  After this, assuming my list is correct, i plan to try and chase Java and an understanding into that.

Also, i have enrolled on the CCNA course and am running the two year course in one, to fast track myself through the course before my Masters begins.

The rest of the stuff will be bed time reading throughout the year.

Thanks very much guys in advance =)

P.S.  i saw a number of new "help" posts, where other articles have been linked.  I have a load of them saved and read through most however i feel a personal touch, specific to my situation requires more input than just a link.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 12:26:42 am by Moistfish »