For fuck's sake, I hate that comic so much.
For some reason everyone thinks it's gospel and it is posted incessantly.
The algorithm devised in the comic, while having a generally higher information entropy, on the flip side has a lower Kolmogorov complexity. That is to say, it is easily describable: combine four dictionary words together. Any semi-compotent cracker who has a hunch that you're using this pattern will take it into account and generate a respective procedure to accommodate for this. Most hash cracking software nowadays allows for wordlist mangling rules, or one can use a dedicated program and even just plain old sed and Perl one-liners if they so choose.
Of course, it will be safer against dumb bruteforce and character exhaustion, but such a vector is rarely used in the first place anyway for obvious reasons. As with any other technique, human stupidity will take its toll: people will use certain combinations and permutations thereof more than other ones. These can be narrowed down through character profiling, information gathering, social engineering, Markov modeling, statistical frequency and so on, if one is dedicated enough.
You're not smart, interesting or funny by posting xkcd comics.