Many european privacy concerns are just as fucked up as any US host for that matter.
Its funny how they advertise with that crap while in fact you get it from behind the second you turn around.
When it comes to tracking users, internet traffic etc the EU is just as bad.
Privacy is dead, so is legal defense, they call you a terrorist , a pirate, a criminal or whatever shit they come up with these days and again they penertrate you from behind, justifying the rape of any law that happens to be there, guess laws only apply to those not in favour.
This world is full of scammers and thiefs, most of them wear suits and hide behind money or the same laws they happened to make.
With they Im reffering to those in control , which in most countries at the end of the day is just a hand full.
I even dare to go as far as saying that the whole democracy we hold so dear is 90% lie.
Having people believe they are free is the ultimate form of slavery, money plays a big role in this game, in fact enforcement is not even required,
we are happily signing loan papers.
Best bet would be some country where the internet is not 'invented' yet.
One advantage this brings is that when the legal system has to cross borders things turn ugly and costs a shit load of money.
As long you are not a hot target most wont bother, effectively playing the game according to the rules and using it in ones favour.
I know im sounding kinda .. well what shall we call it .. negative, I know.
The more I learn the more I realize this is the cold hard truth we have to face.
My words could have been chosen better or perhaps more gentle but Im kinda drunk and I guess Im just cutting the pretty.
(EZ members are thinking, 'OMG here goes proxx again , *reading the first 2 lines* ...I have better things to do')