So just out of curiosity, is there a way to plug an RG-6 cable into a raspberry pi? Or is there some kind of adapter that could help me achieve this. Either a pi or a laptop I guess.
The reason why I'm asking is because I've been using an old Motorola modem connecting to the coaxial cable which brings the signal into my house. From there I have a separate router. I'm not really living in the present I guess. Anyway, I'm planning on using either a pi, or an old laptop as my router, but I'm wondering if I can just cut out the middleman(the modem) and just use the aforementioned pi or laptop as a modem/router combination.
Because, I mean, who uses a standalone modem with a separate router anymore?
EDIT: More importantly, is it possible to use a Pi as a wifi router all on it's own at all? Everywhere I've read suggests that you configure the Pi to forward requests to the actual router