Author Topic: "Mashed: Drive to survive" mini-review  (Read 545 times)

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"Mashed: Drive to survive" mini-review
« on: January 13, 2014, 08:53:31 pm »

Mashed: Drive to Survive is a top-down vehicular combat racing video game, similar in style to Micro Machines, Circuit Breakers and Super Sprint. Each race consists of four vehicles. The player has to navigate various obstacles and obtain weapon pickups to succeed. The game operates a left-behind principle.

My input:

Simple and addictive. The game is very lightweight for the PC, simple graphics, simple idea. Many levels and smart opponents. Best part about it is that pieces of the car flies off or starts to burn when it gets hit. Driving is not realistic at all, but it gives you that classic flash game feel and it was addicting for me.