Getting back to c++ after 6 whole months( i was off from programming)
I haven't done anything practically except for some retarded stuff with QT. Anyway anyway, I need to know which method(if any) you prefer to connect with a sql database? I know that QT allows that functionality but I am not really interested in learning too much QT *yawns* console is fine, I'll learn GUI with Java maybe.
I am in need of your guidance, Right now I have wamp installed where i practice my web developing skills and I was wondering if I could connect to the mysql database with c++.
Since I just got back then I am looking for some c++ console based programs to shine my skills with, if you have any then please do let me know. I have the following ones in my mind
->A program that saves data for users in a database, depositing and withdrawing transactions- for banks
-> An ATM machine program, same as above I'd see if I could make it any different
-> A diary. :S
I can save it all in txt files with the file handlers but I want to use a sql database, just for the heck of it, for the sake of learning .