Ok, I really REALLY hate to do this, but yes, I am starting a thread asking for recommendations on which scripting language to learn. The debate is between Perl and Python. I've done all sorts of research on pros and cons of both, but I can't really decide. Here's some general info on what I want to do with it:
- Coding servers
- Coding back connect scripts
- Coding GUIs(eventually)
- Pretty much general networking stuff
Now, I have always been avoidant of Python because of a few reasons. One of those reasons is that everyone codes everything in it and all I ever see is Python scripts, and I'm sort of a hipster in that regard. I know that shouldn't matter, but it does. Another reason for avoiding Python is that I want to avoid getting stuck using Python for everything because it's easy, which seems to happen to a lot of people. Yet another is, well, syntactic whitespacing.
Perl, on the other hand, does indeed have some pretty ugly syntax, and sigils are defintely a thing to get used to. I've also jumped between many languages due to some SEVERE language ADD and I'm tired of it. I could be so much farther then I am if it weren't for that. So, one reason I find Python attractive is because it is simple and I want to get to coding useful applications sooner then later. Seems Python would be better then Perl in that regard.
I'm aware that it's mostly a matter of taste considering that they are both scripted languages and can mostly do the same things, but there are certainly differences. For example I hear that Python is better for coding GUIs. I hear Perl is better for *nix tasks. I hear Perl is better for web server-side stuff. I don't know which language would be better for networking related tasks, but I've heard Python would be better for this.
I can already guess that most people here will recommend Python because it is there favorite language and because it is easy to learn, but please try and be objective about this.
Oh and no, I will not appreciate anyone recommending Ruby instead of either of these. I'm having enough trouble with my indecisiveness as it is thank you.