Author Topic: Two Security Issues Found in the Android SDK Tools  (Read 436 times)

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Two Security Issues Found in the Android SDK Tools
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:28:29 pm »
During an audit of the Android ADB source code, two security issues within the Android SDK Platform Tools were discoverd. When combined together, these issues can allow an unprivileged local user to gain access to the account of someone that uses the ADB tool.

Offline pivot3r

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Re: Two Security Issues Found in the Android SDK Tools
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 04:30:42 am »
I remember a talk from last September I saw where the speaker showed off a few "Mobile Phone Charging Stations" that would pwn a device when plugged in.  I'm sure an exploit like this could be leveraged into one of those systems for some more interesting results as well. 

And while I don't see this is a huge threat for most people (most people I know are usually the only person logging into the system), but I was thinking a place like a library or computer lab in a school might be a viable place for this kind of exploit.  If I would have gotten into security during high school, I would probably have gotten in a lot more trouble.