Huawei modem:
A phone provider acting as an ISP gives you access to internet via a huawei modem.The technology used is similar to taking a phne call or better using a phone to browse the internet.The ISP can restrict bandwidth so how do you overcome the restrictions? I know you can unlock the modem.
import hashlib, getopt, sys
def usage():
print "Options: -i*, --imei=* IMEI of the device"
print ""
print "Example: --imei=351234567891239"
print ""
def testIMEIChecksum(digits):
_sum = 0
alt = False
for d in reversed(digits):
assert 0 <= d <= 9
if alt:
d *= 2
if d > 9:
d -= 9
_sum += d
alt = not alt
return (_sum % 10) == 0
def checkIMEI(imei):
digits = []
if len(imei) != 15:
print "IMEI too short/long"
return False
for i in imei:
if not testIMEIChecksum(digits):
print "IMEI checksum invalid"
return False
return True
def getCode(imei, salt):
digest = hashlib.md5((imei+salt).lower()).digest()
code = 0
for i in range(0,4):
code += (ord(digest[i])^ord(digest[4+i])^ord(digest[8+i])^ord(digest[12+i])) << (3-i)*8
code &= 0x1ffffff
code |= 0x2000000
return code
def main():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:", ["help", "imei="])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
imei = ""
interactive = False
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-i", "--imei"):
imei = a
elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
if imei == "":
imei = raw_input("Please enter the IMEI of the device: ")
interactive = True
if checkIMEI(imei):
print "Unlock Code: %d" % (getCode(imei, hashlib.md5("hwe620datacard").hexdigest()[8:24]))
print "Flash Code: %d" % (getCode(imei, hashlib.md5("e630upgrade").hexdigest()[8:24]))
print "done."
if interactive:
if __name__ == "__main__":
code so that it uses different sim cards or a variety of ISP but how woul you hack the modem to increase bandwith or in other words how can i crack the modem deeper to letting it intercept signals and shit